Ellen accepts Ichigo's request

"A person's true colours will be reveled when you are no longer beneficial in their life" , my teacher said this.

I am Princess Ellen, on a journey to become greatest knight.


Princess..... Princess..... Wake up.

Huh.. (it's sound's like Duke) 

What is it duke? 

Princess.... Princess.... Are you really awake? 

Huh..... It's sound's like Duke but not like duke's character. 

(Ellen opened her tent) 

What?.... ... No one is outside! 

Hah.. Hah.... You have been fooled.... 

Ellen looked behind her tent, it's kamuy. What are you doing? 

I am practicing mimicry, Ichigo said " it's not perfect, so I tried to mimic duke voice to fool you, but It actually worked, I fooled the princess. Hah...hah.....

(Ellen thought " kamuy is very immature for her age".) 

Yes, I am fooled, I am very impressed by your skill. 

Thank you princess, come... Come....we have to go. 


To the morning bath.. 

Kamuy held Ellen hand) 

(kamuy and Ellen entered the arthos wall) 

Ellen looked the village, their houses looks strong even though it's not stone. 

It's here.( as kamuy entered one of the houses with Ellen.) 

Ellen entered the house, they opened another door, after they entered it's hall where the towel and clothing items are keep, after they changed to their bathing clothes. 

Kamuy went inside the curtains, Ellen waited for a few minutes. Ellen cracked her knuckles made pop sound, now she entered the curtains. 

she became paralyzed...how?..... How can..... , it's a artificial hot spring, Ellen never heard of it. 

Princess would you join as? Elema asked. 

With a little smile, Ellen nodded her head and joined them. 

From her neck to bottom immersed in hot water, with a fragrance of lavender, Ellen went to deep thought, It's feel like the same hot spring, where she went to her teacher home town and enjoyed mountain hot spring. 

"Princess" ..... As Nina sound in a light voice.

As Ellen looked them, you can speak causal to me, I am at the age of 16.

Whee... Whee....(kamuy making Loud sounds while playing with female child) 

Kamuy you are too loud. As haru said

Gotcha.. Kamuy replied. Whee.... Whee..( in a silent voice) 

Princess she is just a child, don't think that she insulting you. 

Don't worry, I already understood about her. 

Is there anything would you need?, nina asked. 

It's more than you have done to me and my companions. I thank you for your kindness. 

No.. No. It's our pleasure, princess 

Can I ask you about Ichigo? 

What is Princess, did he made anything wrong ? 

No.. No.. It's not. I just want to know about him, that's all. 

We met him few months ago, we asked him to stay in our villages because he and his sister wandered around. 

(Ellen thinking, if he is not born in village then how did he became leader of the village) 

As each one started to say about Ichigo, then it came to goblin fight, how did me manage to protect the town. 

After her bath, Ellen received a dress, which shows her beautiful and elegant appearance. 

Huh... (Nina) 

What is it? As Ellen asked

Princess it's your hair, on the left side few of your hair become silver color. 

( Ellen father hair color is blonde, her mother's hair colour is black, but for Ellen her left side, few of her hair is silver colour since the birth) 

It's normally silver in colour, I just use dye to make it black. 

Come.... Come.... Let's go to the market. (kamuy held, Ellen, Nina and haru) 

<< four of them visiting the market, which is located outside of athos wall>>

As they are visiting, both side are small shops, while they are walking in centre, haru and Nina explains what are material available in here like that.

Suddenly kamuy went to one of the shop ans brought a cylinder paper pie, Princess look inside. 


Look inside the paper pie. 

As ske looked inside with the one eye and saw, as a regular symmetrical pattern, reflect objects and create beautiful, fascinating repeating patterns. 

Huh..... What is this, as Ellen shocked by the object, she then inspected carefully where any cryptic is place in it, but nothing was found. 

Again she looked inside and fascinated by it. 

What is it? As Ellen asked 

Haru says, Princess it's the first toy, we made for trade. 


Yes, princess. 

I know you will love it!, because it is made by my brother. 

Ahh...(as Ellen doesn't know what to say) 

Yes, it's truly remarkable creation. What is the name of this toy? 

kaleidoscope!, Princess. 

Can I buy it?

Princess, you can take it as a gift! 

Thank you for your kindness, but I would like to buy it - 3.

Yes princess, per one 2 nord, so 6 nord. 

It's so cheap!!! 

<< 10 Nord =1 Nede, 10 Nede = 1 Gorn, 100 Gorn =1 Bronce! 100 bronze =1 silver, 100silver = 1 gold>>


I mean, it can be sold for 1 nede, but why are selling for low amount. 

Yes, princess we also known, but the one who made this is Ichigo and he stated that the price should be low, because these are going to be children's toy. 

After walked around the market, now she walking in the agriculture area, now they are explaining how the agricultural system they are doing with less water and high yield. 

Evening came, Ellen went to her tent, and showed kaleidoscope to the ten officials. 

Princess is there anything other than this? 

As one of them asked, 

No, this is the only thing that is different, and they are going to launch this toy in our kingdom.

But, Princess how did they made this? 

Well, it their trade secret, so I can't ask it. 

Princess, sorry for the interpretation (from outside of the tent). 

Yes, what is it? 

Ichigo from the village wants' to speak to you. 

Princess, we also like to hear your speech, Duke asked! 

(Ellen thinking while looking at the faces of warriors, she understood that they are afraid of her solo decisions) 

Duke, Dillan, Curtis and wanston, except them other can leave. 

(Ichigo enter the tent, he observed the surrounding.Ichigo bow to 45degree, to Princess: )

Yes, you can speak 

Princess, it's about the goblins! 

I already told you about that! (as Ellen stopped Ichigo speech) 

Yes, Princess. I known that why I made another plan. 

What do you want? 

Huh... The goblins are in the path you're going to travel, so can you just fight them with us on your way. 

Waston- what is it in for us? 

What sir? 

Curtis - do we really have to help you? 

Please, everyone we really need you help, Princess with your army only i can defeat it in a day. 

(Ellen looked at Ichigo and other warriors)

Please princess accept my request!

OK, I'll accept it.

Dillan - Princess it's not out job.

I know..... But, It's knight duty to help others. 

But princess we can't trust him words, as Dillan raised his voice. 

If his words are true, then we will be failed as a knight, so let's make a one last fight before reaching home. 

Yes..... Princess,  as everyone said. 

Ichigo tell us where these goblins are?

I show the way princesses.

Ichigo you also coming ? 

Yes, princess. I made a lot of preparation for this fight.

(as the conversation continued and ended)

Remaining days passed as same. 

After seven day of halt, the army of Avion packed their stuff, people of daijon village gave them lots of food and herbs to them. 

While waiting outside of the aramis in wall, Ellen waited for Ichigo. 

(Ichigo came with kamuy)

Ichigo "I thought you will come alone" .

Well, she also want's to come. 

I won't send my brother alone to a dangerous mission. 

Kamuy, don't worry it's easy to fight with goblins.

I think you never fought with goblins. 

Ellen slightly lowered her head, looked at me with a Sharp eye.

I looked at Dillan whether he will say anything, but to my surprise, he only made angry face.

Don't worry every one, as I Kamuy here will protect everyone. 

(Everyone laughed!!) 

One of the person in the army shouted, kamuy with you our power will be double!!! 

See...Princess. how they believe in me. 

Yes, I understand. You are the important person in this travel.... 

Ha.... Ha.... Ha..... ( everyone laughed with their hearts)