
....oo.... Oo..... Prince.... Oo.. I am..... Hup.....

Dakin.... Hup....thank you for..... Hup..... Allowing me.... Hup

Frist one:, who entered was a drunken man, who introduced himself as Dakin, whenever he speaks,.... He hiccup and say "hup". 

Yes, my beloved citizen welcome..., Prince Austin said

(other council members slightly smiled) 

Tell us your qualifications for teaching Princess, 

Prince.. Hup..., even though I drink too much, I will Always steady at 90degree. 

I wake up early,

number one customer in the bar 

"Oh..... Oh".....ok.....,i believe in your skills, I'll ask one a thing, 

Do bald people get dandruff ?

Huh.... Hup.....

Are u saying yes!

How many hairs does bald man has, prince?

Mac - oh, you are asking question to the Prince, guards cut his head. 

Prince!! as he said and bowed his whole body

 Prince... Prince I want to live forgive me..... 

Ha... Ha... Ha.... OK, l forgive you, do not show hear again. 

Thank you Prince, as he said and ran away. 

Council members all started to laugh, Ellen watching this in the balcony, she also noted expect four council members all  are laughing but the four shows disappointed face. 

One of the four is William, who taught Ellen to ride horses as per her request. 

Second one came: He looked like a farmer and his clothes are simple. 

Long live Prince, as bowed his head. 

I am sunan

What kind of qualifications do you have? 

I am warrior prince, 

What? ...warrior?..... Which group and what are achievements?

It's in my way

Say in detail? 

I am warrior in my own way. 

Say more about you? ...….(prince Austin slightly irritated)

I am the best in arrow competition, good singer, best language translator. 

Stop... Stop!

Have you duel with sword anyone? 


Have you entered in any competition? 


Have you received applause from your song by anyone? 


Have you read any book? 


Then how are saying you are skillfully. 

It's in my own way prince. 

Every one became irritated by his answer

I'll ask a question?

Yes, prince ask me anything.

What is smaller than ant? 

He scratched his head, and said "what will be smaller it is smaller". 

Some council members irritated an some smiled lightly, and Prince also smiled. 

Prince smiled and suddenly made a series face , hey you I'll give two choices, if you get 7 whip slash I'll give 2 nord


As there was silent, he asked what is next choice prince.

Accept the first

A big fat man came with a whip, and started to hit him, each hit was very hard and he cried with tears and begged to stop, but all 7 slashes were given. 

He left the place by Bow his body. 

As Ellen saw this, she understood that politics is something that is far away from her knowledge. But "what really she understood was, her father is not person she should trust" . Ellen saw the council members, everyone laughed expect the four. 

Third person came:

She is women, who covered her whole body,fully with shining clothes 

Tell about yourself :

Prince.....( In a soft voice), rather then saying I'll show it by performance as she said. 

She steps forward and started to dance, as she dances, one by one little pieces of her clothes flew away. 

Her shoulders, hips, legs are revealed. she ended her dance in a sexy position, her face fully covered but only the eyes reveled. 

Prince Austin clapped, as other council members also clapped.

Why don't you reveal your face! 

Prince.... I'll show it someone one who only interested in me. 

Ha... Ha.... Then now onwards you are appointed as one of member of dancer in Avion. 

Now can I see your face? 

I'll wait in your room prince

Ha.... Ha..... 

Mac.. your room will be decorated in flowers

Ha.. Ha.. You are the only one who understands my heart. 

(Mac is person who lives by flatter Prince Austin) 

Ellen angry for her father raised, she clenched her fists and bit her teeth. 

Forth person came :

It was small girl, hair was messy, smells bad and her dress was stitched all over. 

Mac- hey do you known where you are? 

Yes, honorable council minster as said by the girl. 

Then how could you enter this place with your disgusting appearance 

Sorry.... Sorry... Sorry... As bowed her head all over the place. 

 it's okay, as Austin said, it's our fault as we did not posted the dress code, 

Ahh... tell us about yourself and your skills little girl. 

Prince, I born to a poor family, As for my skills.....,i can ask riddles. 

Riddles?... As Prince said. 

Mac - hey you, we are the one who asks questions not you

but.... But... I only know to ask question. 

then say the riddle, Austin said, as per the quality of the riddle the prices will be given for you. 

Other council ministers Started to laugh, tell us..... tell us. 

OK.....,... As she started to speak.....,prince Austin said "stop". 

All of the looked at Prince 

If your riddle is not good, then you will also leave with not good. 

She gulp her neck.... After a few minutes, she said that she wanted to do this riddle as a little street show

Mac - what street show in here? 

My riddle will be liitle good, if a drama is played. 

Prince - guard arrange a drama show as per her instructions 

Yes.... Prince, as guard said 

{Lunch break} 

During lunch break while others are having lunch, little girl and a few drama artists are discussing. 

William came near to little girl, hello little girl, what is your name? 

It's aiya, sir minister 

Aiya, if you want to leave now, I can help you. 

Thank you minister, but I really need 2 bags of rice.

If rice is you problem, I provide you. 

Ahh... As she struck her voice and said, not only rice is my problem, there are other thing that I have to face. 

OK..., may god bless you child. As said by William

(Lunch break over...) 

Prince, council members and Ellen taken their respective positions. 

Drama stage is arranged:

A meat shop and small bench placed. 

Aiya as  younger sister (F). 

Ling as  elder sister (F). 

Bao  as  Relative of their father friends, owns meat shop (M). 

Eiji  as employee in meat shop (M). 

Story starts: 

One fine morning, Ling went to buy meat, 

How much is the meat? 

Eiji replied, it is 50 nord. 

What fifty, it is too much costly? 

It the price, buy or leave the place. 

Huh..... As Ling moved, she saw aiya who is  her younger sister reading a book in a bench. 

Hi aiya how are you? 

Hey Ling, I am good. What are you doing in this area? 

Aiya, it's my mother in law, she wants to eat meat, so she gave me 25 nord to buy, but the meat price is 50 nord. 

Don't worry Ling, here 25 nord use it now, and give the amount later. 

Huh.... My dear sister you are the best!

Ling went to meat shop, here 50 nord, Eiji taken 50 nord and gave the meat. 

Ling came to aiya, see aiya I bought the meat, thank to you. 

Huh.... It's Ling and aiya, as bao said

Hello uncle, 

What are you doing here? 

I came to buy meat, but the shop owner said it's 50 nord, so I shared money from my sister. 

That shop said fifty? 

Yes, uncle. 

It's my shop, actually the price is 45 nord, I told him to sell 50 nord to other area people. 

Come to shop, I'll  give the remaining. 

Huh..... Aiya, see now we got our 5 nord back. 

As ling went and received 5 nord, at the time she saw Eiji is so thin, so she asked aiya, " aiya can we give 2 nord to employee as gift" . 

OK.... OK... 

Ling came to aiya, aiya from the remaining amount 3 nord, here's yours share 1.5 nord. 

Stop, As aiya said. 

What is it aiya? 

Even though we are sisters, money is a different matter right. 

Of course, what happened? 

Where is 1 nord? 

What?... I don't understand? 

See.... Ling, don't make me angry, where is my 1 nord. 

Aiya, I have given the remaining amount, there is nothing I am hiding. 

Ling... Ling...ling.., answer my question. 

Ling, what is the cost of meat? 


How much you and I used? 

25+25 = 50

What is half of 50 nord? 


What is amount you receive from uncle bao? 


What is half of 5 nord? 


Sub it in our equal share




How much you gave as a gift?


Now add and give me the total?


Where is my 1 nord?


Every one , where is 1 nord, as aiya raised her voice.

Here is my riddle everyone!

cost of meat..... 45

we both used.... 25+25=50

half of 50 nord is..... 25/25

amount  received from shop owner?... 5

half of 5 nord.... 2.5/2.5

Sub the 2.5 in our equal.... 23.5/23.5

Total... 47

Gift amount....2

Now total..... 49

Where is 1 nord?


A big silent in the hall. 

Suddenly council members started to talk to the near by persons, William and three members thinking how to solve the this riddle, Ellen who is at the top also, thinking how to solve this. 

After half hour, when all of them looked at prince.

By placing two finger on his forehead, with serious face looking at aiya. 

Ha.... Ha..... Ha...(Prince started to laugh) 

Amazing,..... It's been a long time since I have been curious, What is your name? 

It's aiya Prince. 

Aiya, what do you want? Ask me anything. 

Prince, thank you for your kindness, (as she bowed her head) the price for this selection is more than enough for me. 

Among the council members, William raised his voice, Prince... 

Yes, William 

Prince see is look like 14 year kid, how can we appoint her as teacher? 

Aiya - Prince, the notice did not mention anything about age. 

Stop, don't speak. As shouted at aiya, Prince  it's not a good thing to appoint a girl who even not enter a academy. 

Prince thought for minute

All right, William the girl has proved her ability as per the notice, so she will receive her price. 

But prince, there are remaining three people who are still outside and see is a kid who never enter an academy. 

So, your problem is "academy". 

Huh..... No, it's not like that? 

Mac - say, that you are hate the prince's judgment William. 

No, it's not like that Prince. 

Stop,….as prince shouted, let me think..... after a few minutes ,he said " This is my announcement " :

1)The remaining candidate for the interview will be sent, because first come first serve. 

2) aiya will be sent to Cameron academy 

3) aiya will be tutor for Princess Ellen, because she proved her worth. 

4) she will receive the price, what are things that mentioned on the notice. 

Does any one have any objections


Since, no one raised any issue , it's approved. Every one, today we have selected a skillful person for princess Ellen, be proud everyone.

Ha..... Ha.... Ha....

[by selecting aiya, prince Austin does not known his life will be twisted in the near future]