WebNovelA Bad Guy30.00%

Chapter 9: No, I will live

A Bad Guy

Chapter 9: No, I will live

Was ken Kai happy after killing the chief? No, but he was satisfied.

With that he left the place but where to go now? He didn't have any relative or anyone else that he know, he just walked and walked…

Ken Kai kept on wondering the forest for days and for months…

After killing the chief, there was nothing left in his life, nothing. He felt empty.

Thus he just wandered here and there in the forest, killing animals, eating them and sometime when he didn't get dry wood (to roast meats) he just ate it raw.

Its been 6 months now, since he is wandering here and there eating if he got something, and drink the river water… Ken kai's eyes are now dead; he is just waiting for his life to end…

He didn't have any motivation left to live…

It was the same day when he was wandering but this time he saw a giant wolf. It was at least 8 feet tall.

Ken Kai smiled at the wolf but the wolf didn��t take it friendly and attacked at him.


The wolf jumped at Ken kai while opening his mouth, it was perfect, as ken Kai wanted to die but something happened.

When the Wolf came near him, he jumped away from its mouth and claws.

After landing away from the wolf, Ken Kai thought, 'Why? What happened? Why did I jump? I wanted to DIE!!!, Just why did I jump away?'

At the same time the wolf has also shifted himself towards Ken Kai to attack again.

And when Ken Kai looked at the wolf, he remembered his past, his promise to his mother. He promised her that he will be rich and strong, giving her all happiness and protect her, But his mother is dead now? Why was he remembering it?

"aaah, I got it now.." Then Ken Kai understood. Even though his mother is dead but he still hasn't completed his promise. His promise to be strong and rich.

"I am really a pathetic guy, roaming here and there in this forest… Well its ok, I am back to my sense now, *looking into the sky* sorry mom, I will come to meet you later, as I haven't complete my promise"

With this, the eyes which had no life were now full of flames… Ken kai was ready to fight, was it enlightenment? Maybe, but right now Ken Kai wanted to live. He wanted to live that dream he once saw.


The wolf and Ken Kai looked at each other; both are thirsty to kill each other.

Ken kai stoop calmly and then took a deep breath. *slowly open his eyes after closing it*



The ground started shaking, small stones started rising up in air… Ken Kai gave a big smile to the wolf. The wolf also knew that he messed up and he will be killed now…

Ken Kai: *to wolf* I have read a few martial art webtoons, so I will be also trying to use Ki like how they used.

With that Ken Kai waved his hand at the wolf and gently said "perish"

With that one word, the ki around wolf came closer and closer and soon pressed the whole body of the wolf, resulting in its body to wither like a dry leave…

But the attack didn't happen to just wolf but the surrounding places also, the tress and ground also withered like a dry paper… Everything disappeared.

Seeing the ground and the whole thing in front of him disappear made Ken Kai feel unrealistic, he also felt that he is exhausted now but still the feeling of using this power first time left a deep mark on his heart…

Ken Kai also, felt like something has been used from his body, then he remembered that all that time when he was waiting to kill chief, he had trained and collected a vast amount of Ki but now he has almost used all of it.

In front of Ken Kai was now a giant crater... as wide as 15 feet…


Ken kai: Its better if I don't use this move every time…

Ken Kai knew that his first "Ki" attack is no doubt amazing and strong but he can't control it, which may harm him.

After regaining his focus, Ken Kai remembered what he was doing all this time, which made him laugh. But still ken Kai was happy, as at the end he was able to get himself up.

Thus ken kai again started walking, but this time with an aim and now he wants to get out of the forest.

A week passed…

Ken kai has now finally left the forest and was now wondering on a deserted road near the mountain, he sometime meet people and ask for food or water from them, and they also gave him food or water.

At morning he walked and at night he practiced ki and trained his body.

Ken Kai is now 12 year old.

Today also he was just walking on a road but this time he didn't saw a few people on this deserted road, but a group of people on hoarse and they were dragging a cart.

Soon both Ken Kai and the group were near each other.