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Chapter 15: Never cross the line

A Bad Guy

Chapter 15: Never cross the line

Soon the Ken Kai group reached the dining area and there they saw a few people. Who were eating the food. No doubt they were the last boss.

As for the minions, they were all killed by and the remaining one, didn't dare to attack and run away.

?: Master Jiro and Lord Rail, they are the one who were attacking our base, please kill them…

A man came running to those big people and their group, and told them what was going on. Both of them nodded and all there people attacked on the Ken kai group.

?: Humph, stupid trash…

The man with no hair, or bald, spoke.

?: You are right Lord Rail.

The man sitting with bald, spoke.

Surely Rail, was the bald guy and Jiro was the person beside him. He had a body like hulk, except it was not green.

Susan, chika and hana, all 3 girld stood in front of Ken Kai with their sword.



*dhum* *dhum*

The swords move and bodies fell down…

All those 5 or 7 people attacked at the 3 sisters and Ken Kai died in a blink. Was it because they were strong? Or was it because the enemy was weak?

The reason why all 3 sisters were able to kill all of them with ease was because of experience. The enemy did have vast experience but in killing weak or people like them but for 3 sister, they every morning and at night faced a monster, Ken Kai.

No matter how hard they tried they failed, in front of that large gap they still never lose any hope, so how on earth would they lose against bunch of bandits.

Jiro: what the…

Rail: Interesting, seems like we have to fight with them…

Jiro: Humph…

After the minions only 3 people were left, one was the person who delivered message and the other 2 were the main boss.

Jiro stood in front of Susan, Rail in front of Chika and the last one in front of Hana.

It was going to be one on one battle.

Jiro: I will enjoy you… *licking lips*

Susan was disgusted by this, she wanted to kill him but the difference in height was massive, she might be strong but she was small. He hands barely reached up to the neck of the enemy. Same with Chika and Hana.

But they were not afraid, as they used to fight with Ken Kai with that height difference, though there was a difference in build but still height was not a big deal.

Susan remembered a teaching of Ken Kai, he always said, if you are weak and the enemy is strong then just attack at the weak point like between legs and at the neck.

Remembering between legs stuff, Susan blushed a little.

Jiro: Hu?

Susan again got angry as she was trying to remember her past but got interrupted. She jumped and "Bang" she threw a fist full of force on the neck of Jiro.


Blood came out of the mouth of Jiro and he fell down…

Rail and other person: What?!!

They were shocked, but they didn't have time to be shocked as Chika and Hana also attacked, surely they didn't attack on the neck but chest or face. After that they attacked at the knee, making them loose balance and fall down…

After this both Hana and Chika took the rope from the surrounding and bind the hands of Rail and the other person.

Ken Kai side-

Ken kai was calm, he didn't have anyone to face so he didn't bother to interrupt anyone and left them and walked towards the dining table.

There he saw various dishes, lobster, chicken, pig and various other things. This was his first time seeing such a large serving, thus without wasting any time he took the stool and sit down and started digging the food.

*munch* *munch*

The battle at the 3 sister's side didn't remain for a minute. It ended really fast.

While being bind down by Chika, Jiro started cursing everyone and even Ken Kai. As for why they were still alive, it was because of Hana, as she hoped that there will be some treasure if the mansion is this big, thus they needed someone to guide.

Rail kept on cursing everyone, but then he said something which he shouldn't have said

Rail: Hey You *pointing at Ken Kai* why are you making girls fight? Are you not a man? Huh coward, trash… Son of a Slu*

The moment those last word came out of the mouth, all 3 sister gasped their breath. They knew during this whole 3 years time, that Ken kai hates when someone says anything about his family. No matter who they are, he loses his control and kills them.

They have seen him taking various peoples life, whenever they something to Ken kai's family.


Ken kai stood up in anger, which made the stool behind him slid back…

Chika left Rail and go towards Susan and Hana's side.

Ken kai walked and stood in front of Rail. In his eyes, he has already killed rail a thousand times.