WebNovelA Bad Guy56.67%

Chapter 17: Badas* and OP

A Bad Guy

Chapter 17: Badas* and OP

Susan always dreamed to be a strong girl, enough that she could defeat everyone and during the massacre of those bandits, she felt that she has come a lot far.

She was thinking to challenge Ken Kai, and if possible, if she defeated him, then she will be number 1 in the group, but more than being number 1, she wanted to hear praise from Ken Kai.

She always dreamed of the day, where her big brother (Ken Kai) got in trouble but Susan come and save him, making her brother fall for her and at night her big brother came and confessed her love but she ignored him which made him angry and he jumped above her.


She really enjoyed this type of dream but when she saw, Ken Kai literally savaging the body of the enemy, she knew her dream has a loooooooong way to go, but she didn't lose hope. When she found spirit stones and finally took the first step in cultivation, she felt like she may be able to challenge him someday.

Present time-

The Ken Kai group found the place to sleep and were read to sleep, especially Ken Kai, as he had eaten quite a lot in the enemy base, the 3 sisters also ate food but not as much as Ken Kai, he was all sleepy.

But they had an uninvited guest…

?: Hello mortals…

3 sister: Huh?

From the shadow a man came outside or what they thought. The figure was of a man but when light fall on that figure it turns out to be it was a skeleton.

All 3 sister sensed the danger from that man and took out there sword and aim at the skeleton man.

Skeleton man: Wooow, don't be so tense. Let me introduce myself, my name is Safeel and as for my looks… well I am a Lich.

With that introduction, the lich raised his hand, which made his shadow bigger and then from his shadow arised animals. There were a group of wolfs, full black color and there number was around 20.

Safeel: Well the reason for me being here is for you 3 girls…

The three sister's got tensed but didn't lose confidence.

Susan: What do you mean?

Safeel: What do I mean? Well, I have lived quite a long time and its really been so long since I had a taste of such cute girls, that's why I am here…

He said with a mockery in his voice. Surely if he had a face then he would be either smiling or licking his lips, with lust in his eyes.

This whole time, Ken Kai was just looking at the leech with no emotion. Leech was no doubt a strong person with so many wolf souls around him but, Ken Kai is a monster when he releases his Ki, so he was not afraid from him.

More that afraid, Ken Kai was irritated as it's already more than a midnight time and he is really sleepy but one after another trouble keeps coming.

Thus this time he wanted to end this battle, if it took, as fast as possible

Chika: Like hell we will let you take us, also can't you see we have big brother our side?

Safeel: Big brother? *Looking at Ken Kai* Such a week guy… Hahaha

Hana: What?!!! You don't know anything…

Safeel: well whatever, lets end this chit chat.

With this the lich pointed his hands at the ken kai group and all the wolfs launched at them.

But at the same time a strong pressure came out of no-where



Dust was everywhere in the field right now.




After a few seconds when the dust cleared they saw that the lich's body is nowhere, except for his one finger which had a ring on it.

When Hana go near the finger to look at the ring, which turns out to be storage ring, she shocked to see the scene in front of her eyes.

Soon a wind breeze came and clear the whole dust and under the moon light everything was clear.

In front of them was a giant chasm, spreading 10ft wide and 15ft deep, also the mountain which was in front of them, it was far away, was also been split into 2 small mountains.

Only destruction was there in front of them.


All 3 sisters slowly-slowly turn back to see their brother which was standing calmly. Then Ken Kai said, "With this I can finally sleep, good night" and he jumped on the tree's one branch and slept there.

The 3 sisters understood, who was the person behind this huge mess, but didn't dare to say anything. Rather there eyes were now full of amazements.

Out of the 3 sister, Susan was the one with the most shocked expression. Why? Because she was thinking to challenge Ken Kai in a fight but when she looked at the chasm behind her, she knew that her wild perverted dream has a long way to go.

After this all 3 sister chose there spot to sleep and Hana also took away the storage ring of the lich.

With this there day has come to an end and they were gathering energy for the next trip.