WebNovelA Bad Guy73.33%

Chapter 22: Trial and Results (1)

A Bad Guy

Chapter 22: Trial and Results (1)

At Ken Kai and Hana's side-

Ken kai and Hana kept climbing the stairs in front of them, soon an hour passed and then another hour passed by.

Hana: Borther, we have already climber more than 10 thousand steps, still there is no end…

Ken kai: I think this trial is based on how much you can climb

Hana: Do you mean to say, there is no end?

Ken Kai: yes or maybe I am wrong

Hana stood silent and kept climbing, soon the sun started setting down but still there was no end.

Hana: Brother I am tired…

Ken Kai stopped and looked at Hana, and then he hold her hand and left her up like a princess. As for Hana her face became full red, with this they again started to climb.

Soon the night fall and Ken Kai also got tired. He put Hana down and sits in the stairs and said "Seems like this is the end for me. I am not meant for cultivation, you can move forward"

Hana: NO! I will stay with brother… If you are gonna quit, I will also quit!!!

Hana was the smallest among the group and also the hardest to calm her down, once she choose something, she will try it till she is not satisfied. Ken kai tried to calm Hana and told her to go but nothing worked.

And when He was about to quit, a voice came "Congratulation you both passed the test and now you both will be teleported to the sect"


Before they could say anything, Both Hana and Ken Kai were standing before a giant pillar, and when they looked above, they saw a board, "United Immortals Hall" soon a white rob man came near them.

?: Hello new students, I am the person responsible for guiding you inside for your registration. My name is An Liu. So follow me…

Both Hana and Ken Kai nodded and followed An Liu. In their stroll, they saw how big the sect is and various beautiful mountains. They also felt a very soothing sensation.

In their walk, An Liu told them, that they were the only one from there continent who got selected in this sect.

Soon they came to a ground, and in the middle there was a big stone pillar with a red stone in the middle. And around the stone various students were gathered and also attacked one by one on the red stone.

Also beside the stone pillar stood an old man, wearing white rob. Then An Liu told them that the stone pillar there will tell them there strength and level. Also the man beside stone pillar will register their name.

He also told them that, they have to start from outer disciple position, and then collect points to increase their ranks, from the lowest, outer disciple, then inner disciple and then core disciple.

Hana and Ken Kai stood in the line and waited to their turn.

In the front the white robe man asked few questions from other students and then the student attacked on the red stone, which told them there strength and then the white robe man assigned them classes.

So far, Flesh and Bone 8 stage was the highest, which belonged to a blond hair boy, named Mathew, whos age was around 18. This caused uproar among all students and even inner as well as core disciple came to see him.

Soon Hana's turn came…

White Robe person: Name and Age?

Hana: Hana Fujiwara, 14 year old…

White Robe Man and other students: What?!!!

All of them were shocked to see, such a young age girl among them, some also questioned if she use connection to be here…

Hana didn't pay any attention to any of them and stood in front of pillar



White Rob man: Wha!!! Spi- Spirit Fusion 1 stage?!!!!!

Everyone: …

No one believed the results but it was the truth and that was what written in red stone on the pillar.

White Rob Man: Damn!! She is Prodigy without a doubt, Hana Fujiwara Class 1!!!

Everyone agreed with the white robbed man, no one had thought that a girl age 14 will be the strongest one so far among outer disciple. And finally Ken Kai's turn came.

He had already taught to not use his ki.

Again name and age was asked-

"Ken Kai, age 18"

And then Ken Kai stood in front of the pillar


White rob man: What!!!!

Everyone gasped and begin to think what was his rank

White rob man: Flesh and bone, 1 stage, class 5!!!

Everyone: ….

Hana: ….

Ken Kai: aye?