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Chapter 24: School life

A Bad Guy

Chapter 24: School life

All 2 sisters have started their classes and are enjoying it, except for Chika, as she made a wrong choice.

No doubt Divine Fairy sect is good but she wanted to learn swordsmanship with her 3 sister and when she came here, she found out that the sect is strong for spell making, thus they can teach you spell on how to fly but their swordsmanship is weak.

Still Chika didn't lose hope and continued her everyday training taught by Ken Kai. As for the other 2 sister, they are enjoying it.

During their time, 3 sisters come to know that the outer disciples get very less resources and no holidays, thus if you want holidays, then upgrade your rank, how? Collect points through trials/tests or missions.

To upgrade from outer disciple to inner disciple, you need 100,000 point and from inner disciple to core disciple, you need 1million points.

But the only way to collect points was the end year test.

Where all of outer disciple student are teleported to a place where monster, beasts and other various animals are and through that they could earn points.

So, Susan and Chika have to wait for the end year trial, if they want to meet there brother.

Time passed by and then every-year, sect competition begin, where battles are held for days to see which is the strongest disciple among Inner and core students. The outer disciple can only cheer.

Time passed by and both Susan and Chika were itching to have a fight, and when the both looked at the swordsmanship of their teacher or the senior disciples they felt they wanted to puke.

Which lead them to have a very arrogant nature and rarely attending classes and many students also didn't like them, same with Hana in her sect; at least she had her brother by her side, so she was ok.

And for our Ken Kai, well he once attended class with one and only female, but he couldn't understand anything, so he never attends any class again. Also, Hana changed her money from storage ring into spirit stones.

Ken Kai in his class room-

Ken Kai: It has been a long time, don't you think we should know each other?

Female: …

Ken Kai tried a lot of time but she never talked. Finally one day she spoke, when Ken kai really irritated her.

Female: Just shut up!!! OK I am talking…

Ken Kai: *smile* My name is Ken kai

Female: My name is Sana, Happy?

Ken Kai: That's it?

?: Brother!!!

Hana entered the room.

Hana use to come almost every-time, when she felt like classes were not interesting, she was also like tutor to Ken Kai, as he never listen to his teachers. Also, Ken Kai noticed the gaze of Sana towards his sister. So he used Hana as a bait.

As for why he is so much stuck over Sana is because, he face is quite similar to his GF back on earth.

With the help of Hana, Ken kai, get to talk her and know that she is stuck at flesh and bone 5 stage for more than 10 year, but she never lose hope and kept on trying.

Ken kai, also get to know that she is an orphan and because she doesn't have money to afford resources to help her in her growth, she is stuck. At this Ken Kai, said Hana will give her training. Hana didn't say anything and said ok.

At Hana's classroom-

Hana was preparing to leave her class as she had to train Sana but she was stopped by class captain, name Raoul meth.

Raoul: Hana-san, I can accept you skipping classes but you wasting your time in that trash is not good.

Hana: What do you mean?

Raoul: I am talking about Sana, when I was taking a stroll around the sect, I saw you giving trainings..

Hana: Is there any problem?

Raoul: hehe… yes there is, cant you feel awkward when you are near that old aged women? You are destined to be great but you wasting your time in that women, is… Also, Hana san, I should warn you that you visiting your brother can tarnish your image...

Hana didn't care much about class captains word but when he talked about her brother, he eyebrow frowned and she looked straight into the eyes.

Hana: Excuse me, who are you to tell me whether I should visit my brother or not?

Raoul knew that he pissed her and if she battle with him, he will lose as he was just a flesh and bone 7 stage and Hana was Spirit fusion 1 stage.

He closed his mouth and leave the way.

Hana: good boy…

All the students saw this scene, a 14 year girl making 18 year old boy leave way for her. But they didn't laugh on him, rather get angrier on Hana, as she was the smallest among all but she never listened to anyone, not even to inner or core disciple and teachers also.

Hana's reputation was famous but in bad terms.

Did Hana care? Nope, she already saw the difference in her ability and the inner and core disciples, even in teachers. There was no one that peaked her interest.

Thus everyday she only did training give by her brother diligently.