WebNovelA Bad Guy86.67%

Chapter 26: Susan’s End Year Test

A Bad Guy

Chapter 26: Susan's End Year Test

When the white light disappears, Susan founds herself in a forest with her classmates.

Susan looks around herself and the only thing she saw were tress and tress only, except with some weird sounds, which no doubt belonged to beasts and monsters.

Susan looked at her left side, and then moved towards that direction.

Classmates: Susan-san you should stay with team it is not good to roam around!

One of her classmates said to her, but Susan paid no attention to it and moved on.

?: Such arrogance! Juts leave her alone, she is not a child, if she face any danger she will herself come running here. We should also move

Classmates: Yes class captain.

The one who ordered was a young man, age around 19 with a black hair. His name was Nakamura Hanzo and he is the outer disciple's class captain, also the leader of the group in this test.

At the Immortal Sword Sect-

Disciples were watching at the large white screen, which projected all students in it, as what they are doing and even what they are talking….

Disciples: Man, she is really arrogant! Just how much she thinks of herself?!!

Many disciples were cursing Susan, which is expected as she always mentioned them as babies. Some of them were even hoping she would die.

At the Susan's side-

After walking for a minute, Susan stood in the middle of forest. She looked around herself.

Susan: Not even a single beast?

Susan was really confused as she didn't meet any type of beast or monster, or even a simple animals, she was starting to get irritated.

At the other side, where all students were, they had already faced a pack of giant Hyenas.

All the students were scared but Nakamura was able to calm everyone down and also gave orders to them as to what to do.

Nakamura: Don't worry!!! We are more than 70 people and their number is only 5, we can easily win this, they just look big nothing else, Now let's attack!!!

With his words and encouragements, all disciples were united and killed the Giant Hyenas

At the Immortal Sword Sect-

Sect elders: This Nakamura is really good in making decisions…

Sect elders: Yes, not only that, he also maintained his calm in front of danger… Truly, his future looks bright…

Sect elder: And compared to him, that arrogant girl Susan, is just roaming around.

Sect elder: You are right, At the beginning we thought she will have a great future but after a few days she started showing her colors, just how arrogant she is!!!

Sect elder: truly a big disappointment

Then suddenly a student yelled: Look a giant green tiger has appeared in front of Susan

Student/disciple: Now the fun begins, now she will know her place… hehehehe

Sect elders also look at the screen, hoping Susan will cry for help and lose her attitude

At Susan's side-

A giant green tiger appeared in front of her, it just jump out of bushes. And was now looking at the Susan, with his red eyes and soon more tiger appeared in front of her, joining the giant tiger behind him.

Susan: Well now at least I will have some fun…

With a smile in her face Susan took out a sword from her storage ring. It was a simple metal sword.

The Giant tiger jumped and behind him other tiger also jumped at Susan.



"wind slash, that the name of this move" Susan said with a smile on her face. The moment she moved her sword, a giant gust of high pressured wind launched at the tigers and in a seconds all of the tiger were dead.

The tigers head were lying here and there and there body was also crushed.

At the sect-

Student: …

Elders: …

An elder finally spoke: I think there were 6 tigers and …. She just…. Am I dreaming?

Students: Just how? How was that possible? Did she cheat?

Students: There is no way she can, we were watching it…

Students: but that gust of wind?! And those dead bodies of tiger's?!! There is no way a simple Spirit fusion 5th stage person can have this type of strength!!!

All the students and else were shocked to the core to see this and also understood why she never took interest in any sword class, as she is already this strong, enough to kill a group of tigers with just simple wave of her sword…