
*Jimin tried to remember him but all he could remember was when his mamma brought over a random dude to his home, was my mom cheating on dad? No I don't think* Your my moms ex right?

Now you know me but I don't think you really know know me.

*The guy that was holding Jimin was laughing* Shut Up shorty there's no point in talking right now

*The boss gives the guy the look to shut up* Understood boss

Just shut up already.

Can you let me go? *Jimin tries to get the guy off of him which he failed quickly* why do you want me?

Because your mine from the start baby

Excuse me? But I'm no one's baby.

Not yet..

*they walk back to the opposite direction which was back to that ugly house* Why do you need me?

Can you just shut up?

It was only a question...

Well I'm done answering your questions

Can I talk to this dude next to me? He's been nicer then you asshole

*The guy laughs a bit* He's got you there boss


Actually you didn't you just gave him a weird look and he shut up- *A loud slap was heard*

Do you wanna die? *Jimin shakes his head in agreement* What the fuck, most people usually say no so why do you wanna die? You're so young

Does it matter?

I gave you a question so you answer me

I'm too tired to talk to talk to you so can we reschedule?

*Now this time the guy lets go of Jimin and laughs really loud* Omg you didn't tell me that this kid was a savage!!! He really got you this time!

S-shut up!! *The 'boss's voice sounded more feminine*

I think you weren't suppose to be the boss due to that voice your making.

That it Jimin *the 'boss' takes off the mask that they were using*

Mom? But we try and kidnap me?

I'm so so sorry angel I didn't mean to do all those mean things in the past...

Save it actually don't cause you wont ever see me *Jimin walks towards the ugly house*


Your not my mom anymore so leave me the fuck alone

Please Jimin I'm begging you

You had your chances but you never took them so what's the point in all of this?

Jimin stop going to that house

*Jimin ignores her and kept walking* //i fucking hate her, she made my life a living hell\\

*Tears could be seen in jimins eyes, his whole life was treated like a slave or a punching bag*

Jimin are you alright?

What do you want Jeon?

I was about to come and look for you but your here and i cant see tears... did something happen out there?

No No nothing bad happened... please excuse me *Goes to the bathroom*

*Jungkook follows Jimin to the bathroom and locks the door behind him* Jimin you know that I'll always be here for you

Why are you here Jungkook? I think people NEED their privacy and besides why do you care? You never wanted to know how i felt over the years so you should just continue that routine of yours.


Don't Jimin me and get the hell out of here

I'm not going anywhere

Aghhhh then can you let me go?