Chapter 24 - A massacre? Part 2 (Before it happens)

(A few minutes ago outside the house. Rias will be part of the harem. Sorry for the haters.)

"Hoho! How are my lovely ladies?" The man said, looking at the girls from head to toe while showing a malicious smile and licking his lips, started to drool. The way he stared is like he can see through their dress.

"Sorry... Sorry, my daughters..." Shuri started to cry looking at her daughters. Afraid of something might and will happen to them.

"Saya, contact Rias and shout Farenear's name. Yuri and I will still time." Akeno whispered, ist not like the people did not see them whispering, they are just cocky that the girls can't do anything.

Saya rushed inside the house, letting her do what Akeno said.

A man approached the noble or their so-called leader. His tongue slithered like a snake and talked.

"They are not virgins anymore! Some men have already claimed them."

"Impossible!" The fat leader stomped his feet that caused an aftershock, leaving a small crater on the ground.

"Damn you, bitches! You belong to me!" The fat man cursed and continued "I will rape you, whores! Right here! right now! Men! Apprehend them! You will taste them once I'm finished!"

The fifty-plus men started to cheer and compliment and thank their leader. Shuri started to shake the shackles while she cries heavily.

The moment they approached them, a sharp voice shouted that came from inside the house.

- - - - -

(Before Farenear arrived on the 20th floor and before the event in the shrine happened)

"Sister! Don't let me wear this! I don't like wearing these things."

"President, you look beautiful in it."

"Yes, Tsubaki is right Sona."

Farenear hears voices in the room and mostly women. He checked the map and it was four of them and marked blue, meaning potential allies or friendlies.

Farenear Knocked on the door and heard an answer. "Wait, I'm coming."

The door opened and the girls who were talking stopped and stared at the door. Serafall snickered in their reaction because she is a victim as well.

'Wait! Did he get more handsome?' Serafall shouted in her mind.

Farenear looked at the girl who opened the door. A young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye.

'Even the serious and rarely smiling Tsubaki got smitten huh.' Serafall mumbled and looked at her sister and her best friend.

"Uhmmm... My name is Farenear Libidine, I applied for the work." Tsubaki raised her hand first but instead of shaking it. Farenear took advantage of his Race and looks, gently grabbed her hand, and kissed on it.

Tsubaki's eyes widen with a shock expression. She can't look at his eyes anymore and decided to look away with a reddened face and replied "Tsubaki Shinra..." After that, she walked like a lifeless doll and went to the window and started to watch the cars that are passing by below the ground.

Farenear made a sigh and a small smile that pierced the girls. He then looked at Serafall and greeted her.

"It's nice to see you again, Serafall."

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Farenear." Serafall after calmly on the outside but just looking at Farenear, her brain started to wrack, she can't show her girly reactions to her sister and her friends. She has a reputation to protect!

"This is my sister and her best friend. Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory."

Farenear introduced himself to them once again. and do what he did to Tsubaki. But, they regained their composure right away and made a fake cough to disturb themselves.

Sona Sitri is a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes. On par with his wife's beauty.

Farenear wondered why their last name did not match and Serafall said she is not her sister but decided not to pry or ask about it.

As for Rias Gremory, she is one of the most beautiful young woman Farenear has seen, with white skin, blue eyes, and a buxom figure.

Her most distinctive feature is her long, beautiful crimson hair that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand sticking out from the top.

Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. making her one of the tallest females Farenear has seen.

'Akeno is taller tho.' It's what Farenear thought.

"Ahem... I and Farenear will be partners... I the upcoming movie..."

"Hey? I thought I'm just cosplaying..." Farenear asked for confirmation.

"Hmmm, You see... The manager said they will pay more than what we deal with before..."

"So you're forcing him huh, Sister..." Sona said while glaring at her sister sharply.

"No, I'm really telling the truth! The manager just told me right now!" Serafall panicked while waving her hands, giving an obvious expression that she was lying.

"Forgive my sister... Sir Farenear." Sona looked at Farenear and apologized, she wanted to make eye contact with him but her heart will beat faster and she doesn't want to show her girlish side as well.

[To be continued.]