(AN: So starting tomorrow. I will upload the chapters at 6:00 pm Philippine time.)
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"Did he leave us... He said he will leave in one or two years right?" Saya said while plumping on the floor with her hands clutching her hair.
"Saya calms down, will you? He left a note... Here." Rei kneeled beside her and gave her the note Farenear left.
"No... Your lying... I want to see my mother... I want to see him..." Saya murmured, making Rei and the others worry. Kyoko and Shizuka approach her to calm her down. They understand what is happening to her because she almost died and the one who saves her is Farenear while showing how powerful he is, making Saya believe that he can protect her.
Takashi wanted to approach her but Saeko lifts the katana and glared at him while saying in a cold tone "She needs Farenear... Not you. Your childhood friends right? But why did you let her when she has a personality like that... I know that you wanted to survive as well. You should have to be here with you with Rei and Hisashi."
Takashi can only clench his fist while gritting his teeth. Realizing what he has done and slowly walk backed away.
"Hey, guys I'm back... Wait, what happened to Saya?" Farenear landed on the school hallway, making them look towards him.
"Why is your coat dyed in blood? Where did you go?" Saeko asked while looking slicing a curtain to wipe his coat on her own, making Farenear smile but shook his head and said.
"I went to the mall and gather all food and necessary supplies. Also, I have some clothes for both males and females to change. I can clean myself self Saeko... Thank you." Farenear patted Saeko on the head while she happily accepted his weird yet comforting pats.
"Farenear!" Saya shouted and leaped towards his embrace while she keeps saying his name as she sobs.
"I won't leave you, Saya... I was just cleaning the streets... Yes, cleaning the streets while gathering food and necessary items for our survival..." Farenear answered while stroking her back gently, making her calm.
"Moouuu! Next time, wake me, Kyoko, or Saeko before you leave... You're making us worry!" Shizuka pouted with her usual sleepy and fluffy voice sounded that makes me smile.
"Yeah, I should have wake Kyoko and Saeko..." Farenear chuckled making Shizuka pout further than said in a frustrated tone "I'm also a responsible nurse you know!
"Yeah, yeah... You're the most responsible nurse I have ever met, Shizuka..." Farenear smiled charmingly, making the girls blush.
Shizuka made a fake cough and replied with a nod "Ahem... Good, you know about it. I will let pat my head forever."
Shizuka's declaration made Saya smile, returning the silent and worry-free atmosphere in the room. She pulled out from Farenear's embrace and made a smile that even her friends got surprised. They didn't expect that Saya can make a beautiful and natural smile. Sadly, Farenear can only experience it...
"Okay, gather everyone on the campus. I will now distribute everything."
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Students and teachers are now on the campus gathered. They are still hesitant at first but the walls made them feel protected so they oblige my requests.
"Okay, I went to a Mall and gather everything we needed for survival. I know some of you are worried about your family and for the others... Sorry for your loss... Today, I decided to take responsibility and protect you guys but in return. Hirano and Saeko will teach you how to use guns and fight using Katanas."
As I observe, some of them felt excited and some were still unwilling, well I understand and continue to remove their worries.
"If you don't want to fight then I understand, but at least help the others like cooking and doing the laundry while the fighting force will train. I will assign a temporary leader because I will often leave the campus and save some survivors that need help."
All of them nodded their head and appreciated what I said. Then, I immediately took all the clothes out from the inventory while the teachers and some students volunteered to help to distribute it.
Next is the sleeping bags, which will make them sleep comfortably and lastly. The food that we're separated. All of them helped organize the snacks and needs to be cooked food.
I can also return and grab some refrigerators at the mall again and electricity problems will be solved by me.
With the help of the teachers and Kyoko's group. Everything was organized until the afternoon came that I decided to explore the city once again with someone, and that is Rei.
Why? Because I noticed that Rei has the most connection in this world also...
Hisashi and Takashi can't do anything about it. Also, Rei was hesitant at first and I told her that it's fine if she doesn't want too. Some of the girls were against it as well and wanted to come but I told them that they will have their time.
'Can you at least fight for your girl?' I know they are afraid because I'm powerful but can they at least say something? Wait don't tell me... Both of them are in love with each other? Hisashi and-- What have I been thinking.
Even Rei got pissed at them and grabbed my hand with a pissed voice while saying "Let's go..."
Before I left, I made some intimate advances like kissing Saeko, Shizuka, Kyoko, Saya, Misuzu, and Toshimi in the cheeks or forehead to make them calm down and also making the male group jealous... Hehe.
[To be continued tomorrow]