Volume 2: Chapter 86

(AN: TBH, I don't really mind about the tier's XD)

It is almost evening and the girls were starting to prepare their equipment. Farenear has now 120,000 Incubus points stacked and his ready for his next breakthrough for level twenty but decided not to advance for now because his stats are not yet all 'SSS'.

Every ten levels, raising stats will be very hard, but when transcending it, it will be easier for him to climb level 21-29 with a full 'SSS' stats. His strength is already mid-Tier-6 and can be called as a powerhouse in the host's society.

Also, the difference between him and the other hosts is fighting, or only spending time with women will make Farenear get stronger and powerful than them, overshadowing them in a small amount of time.

"Wow, why are our weapons glowing? Farenear-San?" Shizuka said in surprised while picking up a weapon and made an action as if she is aiming at someone, she looks very hot in the army outfit no matter how many times Farenear sees here.

Their Katana's and weapons are glowing in what color they decided to choose, and these weapons are already categorized as dangerous to Tier-2 Hosts... Also, Farenear upgraded their army uniform, it still looks the same but it will increase their overall capabilities about 30%

And everything only costs 40,000 Incubus points, leaving him 80,000 points. Farenear also bought a Zeke dog outfit for Alice and gave her a grenade launcher with a pouch full of grenades and other defensive items.

Farenear doesn't need to worry about the grenades because he has given Alice a manual on how to use it and those manual surpassed professional grenade throwers.

Glancing at his women, Farenear praised them with a smile.

"My girls are all really beautiful..."

The girls smiled back at his praise and gave him a kiss one by one before going to the M1131 vehicle.

"Rika, wait... This sniper is for you." Farenear held her hand and gave her an Advance Mk110 zero sniper, a continues firing sniper with a silencer and dual sight attached, dangerous for Early-Tier-2 to Mid-Tier-2 hosts.

Rika received the sniper with a shock and a bright smile, because of happiness. She directly kissed Farenear on the lips that took them a full minute before separating because of Alice kept shouting "Oniichan! Oneechan let's go!" in the vehicle window.

Rika pecked his lips one more time before walking towards the vehicle excitedly with a smile on her face. It's the first time she sees a glowing sniper that even scared about the hosts Farenear is always telling them.

"Is everyone ready?" Shizuka yelled while looking back, she is in the driver's seat alongside with Saya as a navigator and Alice sitting on Saya's laps.

Farenear helped Toshimi and Misuzu to the machineguns at the top of the vehicle roof and activated a shield for deflecting stray bullets.

Actually, Misuzu and Toshimi can do it on their own but being held by Farenear is what they really want.

Hearing the go signal, Shizuka drove the vehicle and made the engine louder to attract zombies. Saya opened a window slightly so that Alice can throw her grenades.


Misuzu and Toshimi started to fire the machinegun's again with a scary smile, while Alice is cheerfully tossing some grenades outside of the vehicle.

Though, I let my drone keep collecting samples and burning the dead for extra points. Saya's house will take two hours from their location because the road was heavily barricaded and Farenear doesn't want to destroy it and accidentally make the zombies swarm the area.

Also, a long trip will help him farm more points with this.

"Farenear? What's next when we are finished in Saya's house?" Saeko asked as she wiped her glowing violet katana using a fabric.

"Return to the camp, and maybe we can find some survivors on the way," Farenear answered, he wrapped his arms on Kyoko and Rei's shoulder sitting beside him.

"I listened to the report lately and Jerusalem has made massive walls around a surrounding city... But their leader is worried because the zombies that can run and even use their bodies to elevate..."

'Yep, like a certain movie...' Farenear though in his mind and pull Kyoko and Rei closer to his embrace.

Rei made a teasing smile at Rika because she noticed something and mocked "Rika-chan? Wanna change position?" Rei said, grinning slightly while her head rested on Farenear's chest.


Rika harumph and leaned at the window side, looking at the swarm of running zombies being butchered by countless bullets and grenades from the little Alice.

"Alice, rest for a while. You have been doing it for fifteen minutes."

Farenear called out from behind, Alice nodded and rested again on Saya's laps while feeling her breasts on her head as if it's a pillow.

Saya smiled at her and pinched her cheeks lightly, receiving a cute giggle from little Alice before she closes her eyes.

The journey went smoothly as Farenear gathered so many points because of Toshimi and Misuzu's efforts. They took turns in snuggling at Farenear's embrace making the girls more energetic and lively.

With that, two hours have passed and they arrive at a barricaded wall with soldiers halting them. They have finally seen the house of Saya Takagi with an unexpected strong defense.