Chapter 75: Your Husband Looks So Powerful

After hearing Kylie call him "husband," Ethan Parker was much happier.

He walked towards Kylie and put his arm around her shoulders. She hugged him in return.

She said, in a low voice: "Ethan Parker, it's such a shame that you're not in the entertainment industry. When we go out next time, you should wear a mask so you don't risk exposing me."

He smiled but didn't say anything.

Kylie looked at a lot of clothes and asked him to try some of them on.

He frowned. "Actually, I have all the clothes I need."


He didn't hesitate at all. "Yeah."

"Fine…" She looked disappointed. "That's such a shame. I actually wanted to get some his-and-hers clothes with you."

He was surprised to hear that.

He looked at the clothes she held in her hands and asked with suspicion: "You want to wear suits?"

She laughed. "Uncle, you are much out of fashion."