Chapter 93: I’m Married

Suddenly, a black SUV with black tinted windows pulled up in front of her. A man stepped out from the driver's seat wearing a black suit and sunglasses.

"Faith Cruz? Please come with me." Elliot said to her expressionlessly. Seeing his attitude so cold and firm, Faith immediately became alert.

"Stay back! I've learned karate, if you get closer, I'll kill you!"

Elliot's face was still cold. "If you're Faith Cruz, maybe I can kill you first." His tone was flat.

"You...Kylie sent you?" 

"..." Elliot certainly would not give her an answer. He simply turned and headed towards the vehicle. Though she did not at all want to get inside an unknown car with a man she had never met before, she reasoned that only Kylie knew she was here, so the man was definitely taking her to see Kylie. So, quickly she walked over and hesitantly got inside the luxurious car.