Chapter 198: I Have A Proposal

The secretary looked at the board members and said, "I don't know why you people are getting your panties in a bunch. Ten percent is not nearly enough to take the helm!"

Kylie glared at the secretary and said, "The amount of power a person has is, as you've said, determined by how many shares they have."

The secretary nodded, and Kylie continued. "Have everyone count their shares, and we can determine, once and forever, where the power lies."

It was a simple request, one that Laurence couldn't deny, but it struck fear in his heart. 

"Before we get to that, though," Kylie said, "there is one thing we need to look at."

Having said that, she pulled a manila envelope from her bag; she took a document out of the envelope and passed it around. "As you can see," Kylie said, "whoever has the most shares is an almost moot point. If the company were to be compared to the Titanic, Laurence is the captain who runs it into an iceberg.