Chapter 200: The Truth Will Come Out Eventually

Someone knocked on her door, so she put her phone away and said, "Come in."

Kylie frowned when she saw that it was Khloe. She had a plant in her hands. "You must be illiterate," Kylie said. "The plaque on my door is clear. You are not welcome here!"

Khloe's face turned red, but she pressed on. She walked into the room, placed the plant on a table, and said, "I have brought you a little housewarming present. I mean no harm. Furthermore, I am tired of all this bickering. I would like to put it behind us. Obviously, we will never be bosom buddies, but I would like to foster a mutually beneficial working relationship."

Kylie sighed and said, "I am agreeable to your suggestion. Don't take this the wrong way, though, but I am exhausted, and I am going to have to ask you to leave…"