Chapter 228: Matthew’s Advice

Matthew turned back to Ethan on his way out. He said, "Ethan, you've looked exhausted lately. Please don't take on more than you can handle. You aren't as young as you once were. Save some of your energy to enjoy the more pleasurable things that life has to offer. Go home, occasionally. Make love to your wife, and start a family. If you don't have an heir, everything you've done here would have been for naught. Remember, you have a beautiful wife beside you, and she's young. Don't waste your time exerting effort to do unnecessary things,"

Ethan had been having these same thoughts lately and was surprised at having Matthew parrot them back to him. He sighed and said, "I hate to admit it, but you are right. The other day, Kylie gave me a full body massage, and I was sure that she had dirty thoughts running through her mind, but I fell asleep. The next day, I was very embarrassed… Thank you, brother!"