Chapter 242: This Means The World To Me

Once Kylie was ready, the three of them left for the opening ceremony, and when they arrived, no one was surprised by a large group of reporters that were waiting for them. Anything that Miller touched attracted attention. Lucas was about to get out of the car and open the door for Kylie, but Kylie said, "Hold on. The ceremony doesn't start for an hour. Let's pull over and watch the stars as they arrive."

Faith nodded and said, "I think that's a great idea, and I can also touch up your make-up while we wait."

Lucas grabbed the make-up bag from the trunk and handed it to Faith.

Faith was just about to reapply Kylie's mascara when Lucas pointed Lilly out. Her godfather had managed to get her an in the movie. It was a very small part, but she had assured her of a ticket to this event. "It is a bit embarrassing to be in the same movie that she is in," Kylie sighed.