Chapter 252: I’m Sorry If I Ever Doubted You

Themis, who was dressed as a man, looked at Sharon and scowled. She laughed and said, "I didn't expect the big bad bully to be a woman. Shouldn't you be home with a baby in your teat?"

"What kind of man talks to a woman like that?" Sharon countered

The king's kingdom was so vast that many people who lived in it, didn't even know that they were a part of it. Among these people, most were free to say whatever they wanted to say about the king. Nobody cared. Closer to home, though, such comments were unwise. A man could be killed for lamenting his king.

Themis lived in such a place and, even though he though his king was retarded, he kept such thoughts to himself. The irony of it was that, of all the king's advisors, he was the one that the king trusted the most.