Chapter 266: I Don’t To Go Home

Once Kylie and Stephen were back on the road, she looked at him and said, "The Lamborghini is not the best sports car out there. Why do you like them so much?"

 Stephen smiled and said, "One of my friends likes them. I never gave it much thought but, I suppose I drive this car in his honor."

"I get that," Kylie nodded. "I have a friend who turns me on to certain vehicles in much the same way." 

 "An ex-boyfriend?" Stephen wondered.

"Nope," Kylie laughed. "An online friend." 

Stephen asked, "Have you ever met any of your online friends in person?"

Kylie frowned, and she said, "I haven't met my friend in person, but I would really like to. We have been friends for a very long time, and it just seems wrong that we've never met."

"If you met him," Stephen asked, "what would you want to say to him?"