Chapter 268: I Was So Worried About You

Ethan rushed to Kylie's side. He wiped her tears away and said, "I am so sorry!"

Kylie turned suddenly. She pushed his hands away and beat on his chest. "You bastard. I hate you so much! Look what you've done to me. I am a mess. I was so worried about you!"

Ethan just stood there. He let her scream at him, and he let her pound on his chest. He accepted that he owed her penance and that it had only just begun. He deserved this and much more. After hitting his chest for a while, she opened her fists and began slapping him across the face. It wasn't until she had spent all of her energy that she fell into his arms and began to wail.

Ethan held her like that. He wrapped his arms around her and said, "I am sorry. I should never have put you through that, but I will explain everything, and once I have, you will understand. I hope, at that time, you will forgive me. God, I hope I didn't fuck up us!