Chapter 326: Don’t Die

A woman wearing a baseball cap along with a big mask flashed out.

"Fannie, thanks!" The woman glanced at Nate.

Fannie slightly threw her hair, pretending to be relaxed and cool. "Although I don't know why you're doing this, I have an instinct that you'll never betray Lord Ethan."

Fannie went back to Nate's side, and let him lie asleep on her laps. She reached out her hands into his hair, rubbing with affection and said in a low voice, "If there is a misunderstanding between us one day in the future, will you trust me under any conditions like Lord Ethan trust Kylie?" 

Nate rolled his back and naturally hugged Fannie's waist, pressing his head to her soft stomach.

His warm breath almost made Fannie cry.

In the intensive care unit.

Kylie took off her baseball cap and big mask. The man was right before her, but she didn't dare take a step forward.