Chapter 514: Hard To Say

Adolph felt a little embarrassed, then admitted it. "Since you already know it, let's put the cards on the table. Ethan is your older brother..."

Before he could finish, Stephen lifted a finger up to stop him. The housekeeper also walked over to take Stephen's wine glass.

"I don't have an older brother." Stephen stood up. "You," he turned to point at Agnes, "and you are not qualified to be my parents."     

Agnes lowered her head all the time, standing aside, but her body shook in fear when Stephen mentioned her. She knew that Stephen was in great anger towards her and didn't treat her as a different person. Stephen stayed beside them to take revenge. 

Adolph glanced at her, then stared at Stephen. "We raised you up during the past ten years, and now you're telling me we're not qualified to be your parents? You're an ungrateful person I've ever known."

Saying that, he raised his hand, trying to slap Stephen, but a strong palm stopped him.