Chapter 517: The Shocking Truth

The grave of Stephen's mother was located in a suburb.

It was far away, and it wasn't an important festival that day, so there were just a few people.

When Ethan's car entered the encirclement, Vincent showed up at the roadside.

The car window of dark color was rolled down, and Ethan's handsome, serious profile appeared. "How's the situation inside?"     

Vincent replied with great respect, "Only Stephen's car moved by here, and we're all ready. Once you make an order, we'll conduct our plan to catch him."    

Barbara, who sat on the rear seats, caught the back of Ethan's seat all of a sudden. Ethan turned to comfort his mother. "Everything will be fine."

Afterward, he looked at Vincent. "This is a rare chance, and we can't let Stephen escape again, no matter what happens."     

The second Ethan finished his words; he felt Barbara squeezing his seat harder.