Chapter 533: Ignore Him

When they were about to fight against one another, the housekeeper walked inside in a hurry. "Old Mr. Parker, Lord Matthew is home!"      

Hearing that, Taylor stopped for a second and exchanged a glance with Barbara.

Matthew had been absent for a whole month, and they all thought he must be dead outside because he didn't have money to buy the drug. Why did he suddenly came back?

"Mom, he comes back for money without a doubt. I'll chase him away!" Taylor said and walked out of Barbara's back.

However, before she could do that, Matthew already stepped inside.

Taylor was struck dumb when Matthew appeared in her sight because he looked totally different now.

He had been as skinny as a skeleton before, but now he had a ruddy face and was full of energy!

The second he saw Taylor, he gave her a big hug with a happy smile, and Taylor almost cried.

"Where have you been?" Taylor whimpered. "Go greet father and mother now."