
Verity & Deception [4]

After taking a break for a while, Lucia resumed her activities in high society. Just as before, she opened light tea parties. Nothing changed and just like she'd always done, she invited a wide range of people. Except from a few of the party-break leaders, she put the rest on the invitation list without exceptions.

Lucia showed the authority of the Duchess with her intimidation at the last garden party now, it was time to appease them after her oppression.

She did not wish to reign over the northern high society. But ultimately, she needed to plant herself as an existence that should never be taken lightly.

"Duchess, when do you plan on having a party on a huge scale like last time?"

"My thoughts exactly. I wasn't invited then so I definitely want to attend next time. When the time comes, can I also get introduced to the young lord?"

"I'm afraid the child is no longer in Roam. He left to go study. But if there's an opportunity next time, I will introduce you."

Lucia replied with a smile and secretly took a glance around. She studied the uneasy expression of the ladies who looked like they were being chased and wouldn't be participating in the discussion anytime soon. They were attendees of previous garden party.

This was already the third tea party but people's behaviors remained similar. They were split into two sides, those who attended the garden party and those that didn't.

The ones that attended all looked uncomfortable and helpless. Their countenance didn't display reluctance to attend or arrogance, on the contrary, they looked sorry and thankful as they greeted Lucia.

Lucia had no intentions of rebuking them. Just as a soldier's disobedience to command resulted in death, normal women had no power to contest that of leading figures in high society.

And so, Lucia did not mention the events of the garden party so as to not make them uncomfortable but they remained excessively careful of her mood.

In comparison, the ones that did not attend the garden party raised up the topic of Damian as though showing off. They showed no reluctance and constantly and implicitly brought up the child's title of 'young lord'.

The sudden reversed attitude of the women was surprising.

'Is it because he announced publically that Damian is formally entered into the register?'

That was the only guess she could make. As always, the majesty of the Duke was amazing. Lucia did not know that the northern high society went through an enormous stir following the garden party.

It was rumored that the Countess of Wales as well as the tempered elderly wives of the high society that attended the garden party at the time were all secluding themselves at home and when one looked at it, it seemed to be that way. Those crafty old wives seemed to have somehow done something to upset the Duchess' pride and thought to hide themselves.

The rumor that the Taran Duke seized and killed every last one of the regional lords that rebelled against him, including their families, was also secretly spreading in the high society and so the fear that the northern nobles had towards the Taran Duke reached an extreme high. (1)

Hence, the explosive incident at the garden party that occurred in the meantime struck terror into everyone's heart. They imagined the Taran Duke learning of the Duchess' humiliation, and furiously summoning them to all be clubbed to death. After all, there was a connection between the Lady of the House losing face and the Head of the Family's pride.

Whether the rumor of the Ducal Couple's intimate matrimonial relationship was true or not, the Taran Duke had proved to at least belong to one of the examples. Originally, the House of the Taran Duke was closed off.

From generation to generation, the Taran Dukes were not interested in having close relationships with northern nobles as well as entering into politics in the capital.

The Taran Duke was an existing but intangible ruler. When the Taran Duke was not in the north due to war, the northern nobles held little interest in their intangible ruler. However, when there was a show of force and someone actually died, the social circle was shaken and people became desperate.

They wished to grasp the heart of their ruler and guarantee their safety. Presently, the only private connection to the current Duke was the Duchess who was engaging in social activities.

The ladies were given special instructions from their husbands or fathers and attended the Duchess' tea party. It was a scene of chaos trying to secure a position on the list of invitees just before the Duchess threw her third tea party.

Even though her surroundings were as if attacked by a typhoon, the one at the center of the typhoon, Lucia, was calm. Nevertheless, the one who usually informed her in detail of the happenings, Kate, was shutting her mouth and watching the situation unfold.

To be exact, it wasn't that something precise had happened but that the atmosphere in high society had become restless so what to tell Lucia was vague. She couldn't say to Lucia, 'your husband is terrifying so everyone is shaking in their boots'.

"The Duchess shines more beautifully as the days goes on."

Someone leaked out flattery and a competitive spirit could be felt rising in the air among the women.

"Oh, I have admired the Duchess' beauty since the day we first met."

"Hoho. Appearance isn't all to a person. The Duchess has a mind beautiful beyond appearance."

A flame was lit amongst the women. The shameless and smooth tongued women heaped praises on the Duchess without exception and the timid women could not come forward as they were indecisive and couldn't find a proper time to butt in. It was war.

Lucia took no regard of their overheated atmosphere and carefreely drank her tea. She wasn't an immature child that would become giddy and graceless from a few words of flattery. She had watched this situation happen enough times in her dream to be sick of it.

In her dream, she had never been at the center. She also couldn't become a follower as her personality wasn't one to beat around the bush. However, while observing the ridiculous spectacle from a distance, she either found it amusing or pathetic.

'The position of the Duchess is truly incredible.'

When Lucia did not show any reaction, the women began to close their mouths one by one. Those with tact gradually became aware that unlike her appearance, the Duchess was not an easy person to deal with.

"I'm truly thankful for all your kind words. Rather, is there anything interesting in the circles lately?"

"Let me tell you. Some time ago-"

"You can't call that interesting. I heard…"

This time, the women were trying to up on another with hot news in the social circles.

Lucia tilted her head, 'Today's tea party is really strange.'


In the afternoon, Captain Elliot submitted a report. Its contents were related to the past poisoning incident that was mistaken for an epidemic. The incident was resolved smoothly.

After finding the root of the problem and digging into it, there was no sign of ill will. All the mushrooms obtained were retrieved and disposed of. The upper-end person in charge was to be fined a large amount of money as punishment for gross negligence.

"Any other villages harmed?"

"Apart from the two villages discovered at early stages, none yet. Since the upper levels has been mostly examined, I don't imagine there will be further damages in the future."

The report was requesting approval from Hugo so that the incident to be finalized. The top figure at the root of the problem was under investigation and their feet were bound.

If Hugo were to give his approval, the principal figure would have to pay compensations plus fines and would be able to restart their activities in the upper levels.

It was practically the same as asking the principal figure to pay a significant amount of money without complaints and expecting no more problems.

However, having a certain name enter Hugo's eyes was the beginning of misfortune for the top figure waiting for the trade approval to come through.

"…Wales? Is the principal owner, the Count of Wales?"


It was the rule that no matter the owner, upper-end affairs were to be resolved by commercial law. A business transaction issue was resolved with money and as long as the owner did not go bankrupt, no responsibility was given to the owner's family.

The fact that Hugo now knew the name of the person at the top was related to the reason of having no need for concerned.

A dark spark was lit in Hugo's eyes. Because he saw her crying figure, he harbored a huge grudge towards the ringleader of the garden party incident. Because of his wife's beseechment, he couldn't interfere time and time again, so he felt vexed. Since he had finally chanced upon a case, he clung tenaciously to the long-awaited opportunity.

Through one channel or another, he knew about the garden party incident in relatively good detail. Naturally, he also knew that the prime leader at that time was the Countess of Wales. Just as he was considering how to warn the old snake, he had caught an unbelievable case.

Hugo commanded with a grave expression.

"This case cannot be passed over lightly."


"I'm afraid I cannot erase the thought that there was a certain intention behind this matter. Thoroughly investigate the past transaction details, including the taxes paid."

"By thoroughly, you mean…"

"Down to the last detail. Shake the dust out."

Elliot was a typical knight, insensitive to plots or trickery however in this matter, his Lord seemed to have noticed something to watch for.

He didn't know why but that top figure was certainly marked by his Lord. Somehow Elliot felt sympathetic.

"Understood. I will investigate thoroughly."

Subordinates who assisted the Duke in close proximity were rather familiar with the Duke's character. The Duke was definitely not a magnanimous and virtuous person. He was indifferent in most cases however once he locked onto something and began to dig into it, he was closer to persistent and obstinate.

In other words, he held long grudges.

* * *

It was a month and a half since Damian left for the Academy. Damian was hardly gone before Lucia wrote him a letter and received a reply to it about 20 days later.

Today, she received his reply to the second letter she sent him. Lucia's heart pounded as she opened the envelope. Its contents, full of pages fell out. When she read the first line of the letter starting with, 'To Mother,' she trembled and hugged the letter to her chest.

As she read the letter step by step, her face blossomed, full of smiles. The letter's contents seemed like some kind of report. What was taught in class, what was eaten, who he had a conversation with.

Lucia felt happy as she read the rigid contents that expressed little emotion. She felt like she could see into the child's livelihood.

― The day is getting colder. Be careful about your health. Sincerely, Damian.

When the lengthy letter came to an end, Lucia felt a huge sense of regret.

"He seems to be doing well so I'm glad."

The end of the year was approaching so Lucia was preparing a gift to send to Damian.

"Milady, a guest requests to see you."

A maid announced to her. If it was Lady Milton that came, the maid would not say it was a guest.

"A guest? Who?"

"It is the Countess of Wales."

Lucia knit her brows slightly. She didn't know why the Countess of Wales would commit an act of rudeness and suddenly come to find her. She considered sending her back but finally settled on listening to what business the Countess had and if it was nonsense, to kick her out.

The maid served tea. Lucia did not call for Jerome. She didn't want to serve the delicious tea that Jerome prepares to the Countess of Wales. Unlike Lucia who sat with a slightly chilled attitude, the Countess of Wales looked intimidated. In the time they hadn't seen, her face had grown quite haggard.

Perhaps a cold? Lucia was suspicious of the Countess' very different complexion from the past garden party.

"What brings you here?" (Lucia)

"It was discourteous of me to suddenly request a meeting like this. Has Duchess been well in the meantime?"

"There's no reason why I wouldn't be well. Frankly, I am dissatisfied with Countess. It was my first party prepared on a large scale. Surely, madam won't deny having a sizeable responsibility for it ending in such a way?"

"What can I say? When one gets old, sometimes one's ability to judge falls. I came to find Duchess in hopes that one can generously overlook this matter."

Lucia, who had purposefully come on strong, weakened her icy expression at the Countess acting humble.

"Is this what today's visit is in regards to?"

"Yes. I came to apologize."

Lucia didn't know the Countess of Wales would docilely lower herself like this. As the Countess was older and a leading figure in the circles, Lucia tried to gradually apply pressure rather than having a head-on confrontation.

'Something is strange here…'

The rather unusual intimidated attitudes of the other ladies was already weighing on her mind and since even the Countess of Wales was like this, perhaps there was something she was missing.

"If that's all you really want, I understand. I will accept Countess' apology. However, I do not wish to talk for long today." (Lucia)


"Do you have more to say?"

"To Duchess…there is something I would like to sincerely request…"

A request? Really, how shameless. Lucia chuckled sarcastically to herself. In any case, the Countess of Wales seemed to see her as meek and naïve child. Lucia was not a good girl that would not take any action. She had a fairly cold side in her relationships with people.

"I do not take private special requests."

"It is not a special request, Duchess. Please relieve the anger of His Grace the Duke."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

The Countess revealed that the top-levels owned by her family were currently encountering difficulty. The explanation was lengthy and mostly self-justification. However, from the congested story, Lucia grasped the key point.

"The top committed a blunder and was punished. Are you now associating your personal feelings with the official work of His Grace the Duke?"

"No. No. The guilt is not being denied. I know the Duke is indeed a thorough person that separates business and pleasure. But he is a little strict so I ask of you to have some mercy. Please forgive this old one for hurriedly rushing over without principle."

After the Countess of Wales left, Lucia fell into deep thought. In the first place, from the perspective of the one being punished, a generous punishment did not exist. From what she could tell, it wasn't that fault was being found with an innocent man.

Punishment of crime was within the scope of authority of the Duke of Taran who was the overseer of order in the North.

The thought that maybe he was punishing them excessively because of her did not cross her mind for a second. She wasn't that conceited.

'So he's quite strict on the people under him.'

Lucia couldn't imagine it since she had never seen that side of him. In any case, the reason the ladies have been so careful of her mood lately must also be because of this. Perhaps they happened upon his strict side several times recently.

Lucia filed it in her head to ask him in passing. She didn't really take it seriously.