
The Taran Duke's Family Doctor [2]

It was now routine for Lucia to take the medicine Anna prepared for her every other day. The maid usually brought it one or two hours after she'd had dinner. Lucia habitually brought the bowl of medicine to her mouth but was surprised and reflexively took it away from her mouth.

"…Vanilla scent?"

She brought the bowl closer to her nose again and took in the smell. There was no doubt. It was scent of vanilla. It was the cure that she couldn't find in her dream even after putting a lot of effort and time. The wandering doctor she'd miraculously met called it his family's vision. It was not a medicine that could be found so easily. Lucia called the maid and asked for Anna to be brought to her.

"Anna, today's medication is different from before." (Lucia)

"Yes. It's a new remedy." (Anna)

"Is it a method you found?"


If Anna said that she'd received someone else's advice, Lucia would've thought that Anna may have met the doctor from her dream. But she couldn't believe that Anna found it.

"Anna, I have studied medicinal herbs for a while because I was interested in them."

After saying so, Lucia went on to list three different herbs. These herbs all belonged to the side of medicinal herbs with strong composition so they were herbs that should be examined and carefully prescribed according to the constitution of the patient. For a doctor, this knowledge was close to common sense.

"Do you know what happens if you mix these three herbs together and eat it?" (Lucia)

Anna couldn't grasp the intent behind this abrupt question but she answered truthfully based on her knowledge.

"Those medicinal herbs are herbs that should never be mixed together. Each is different in nature so when taken together, it will act as a poison." (Anna)

"Is that so? Then Anna, you brought this medicine to try and feed me poison." (Lucia)


Poison! Anna's entire body grew rigid as she froze stone-cold. The petite woman in front of her suddenly seemed to change into an enormous steel wall. The Duchess wasn't one to assert her authority or observe proper decorum with the people under her.

So, Anna had forgotten. She'd forgotten that the Duchess was a grand high-ranking noble that she would never be able to see in her lifetime if it wasn't for her becoming a primary doctor.

'Have I done something to offend the Duchess?'

A chill ran down her spine. The life of a doctor who was suspected for attempted poisoning was akin to the life of a candle flame before the wind. Whether it was true or not did not matter. The problem was such a suspicion being made in the first place.

"Did you know this medicine has a vanilla scent?" (Lucia)

"Yes, Milady." (Anna)

"Do you know why it has a vanilla scent?"


"If you mix the three herbs I mention earlier and boil it down, you get the scent of vanilla. You doesn't seem to know this, Anna."


"You said it is a treatment method that you found. How can you not know?"

After Lucia's menstruation re-started because of the cure the wandering doctor gave her in her dream, she became interested in the cure itself. Whenever she went to buy medicinal herbs, she would remember the words telling her that certain herbs mixed together caused huge problems.

Philip's lonesome expression as he tore the page from the notebook containing his family's vision and gave it to her also kept coming to mind. In particular, she was curious about the medicine's vanilla scent. So, out of curiosity, she began studying medicinal herbs.

Her studies did not measure up to that of a professional's. She just learnt the type and efficacy of the medicinal herbs in the prescription Philip gave to her. She took the medicinal herbs on the prescription apart piece by piece and repeatedly tested mixtures. Through this, she found that the vanilla scent came from mixing the three herbs that were not commonly mixed together.

Anna's complexion turned white. Anna did not know what kind of medicinal herbs had gone into the medicine. The medicine that Philip handed over to her was in a finely ground state.

[The method of dosage is simple. It should be taken regularly, at least once a month till menstruation begins again.] (Philip)

[I cannot have a patient take a medicine that I do not know what went into it. The prescription should be given along with the medicine.] (Anna)

[It is our family vision, I cannot reveal this.]

[Philip. I do not doubt your conscience or ability as a doctor. However, this is not any ordinary patient.]

[Anna, if that is so, I can personally explain to the patient.]

[That cannot be done. Sir Philip is prohibited from approaching the Madam.]

Anna had been very excited to learn there was a treatment method but while she waited for Philip to make the medicine, a forgotten matter rose to the forefront of her mind.

In the past, the butler had said that even if they found cure, it had to be called Anna's. Even a simple mention of Philip's existence was not to be made in front of the madam.

[I will not ask what the circumstances are, but I cannot let you meet the Madam, Philip.]

[…I can stake my neck to assure you. If you are really worried, you can eat some to test it. This medicine that has no effect when a normal person takes it.]

[You said that it has to be administered long term. A problem could occur when it is taken long term.]

[Anna, do you think I will make a drug that will harm a patient?]

Anna's trust for Philip, her conscience as a doctor and her desire for a cure were in fierce conflict inside her mind. She personally took the medicine for a week and watched her body's condition for anything odd. While doing this, she received a summon from the Duke.

The Duke of Taran usually called Anna about once a week to ask her how the Duchess's treatment was going. And Anna's answer was usually the same.

[I'm looking for a cure.]

The Duke wouldn't question it more and with an answer of 'Okay', the discussion was over.

However, this time when she was summoned by the Duke, she felt pressured because she was in possession of the cure.

She felt a sense of shame that even though she was being paid a huge sum of money, she wasn't doing her work properly.

And because Anna's trust in Philip already occupied a huge spot in her heart, she eventually brought the medicine to the Duchess.

'This…I did something crazy.'

Only after Lucia questioned the components of the drug did Anna realize this. She was a doctor prescribing an unknown drug to her patient. Before one considered that this patient was, in fact, the Duchess, it was a fatal error in her judgement as doctor.

"I have nothing to say. I am sorry, Milady. Truthfully, it is not my cure. I took the medicine for a week to verify it." (Anna)

Lucia sighed, feeling Anna's anguish and efforts through her words.

"To have consulted with them about my condition, it must be someone you have great trust in. Who is it?"

"I'm sorry, Milady. I cannot say who it is."

"Did the person who prescribed the medicine ask not to be revealed?"

When Lucia thought about it, the wandering doctor from her dream wasn't one to covet credit.


Since Anna wasn't allowed to speak of Philip's existence, she couldn't give an answer.

"I cannot take this medicine. I cannot trust it. Do you understand?" (Lucia)

"Yes, Milady. I have committed a grave mistake."

"I know you did it because you wanted to treat me. But do not lie next time."

"Yes, Milady."

Lucia was once of the notion that if Anna found a cure, she would not reject it. At that time, she was angry with Hugo and her attitude was 'I-don't-care-whatever-happens. But now that she realized why he didn't want a child, her mind had changed.

He was not ready to be a father at all. If a child was born, it would be a tragedy for everyone involved as well as the new-born child. Lucia did not want to have a child that Hugo did not want. She wanted to have a child that received lots of love from their father.

Hugo grew up without knowing love from his parents and Lucia spent her childhood neglected by her father. Both of them had experienced the lack of a normal family. Lucia thought that in order to complete themselves in what they lacked, they needed to perfectly understand each other.

'Not giving birth to a child could be the happier side of things.'

There was regret. She was in love with him. She wanted to have a child for the man she loved. But now wasn't the time.

When she thought back to her tiring life in her dream, it taught her about a lot of things. If not for the dream, she wouldn't have such huge patience nor would she have been able to see the distant future.


Following the Duchess' will, Anna informed Philip that his medicine was rejected. As Philip listened to her story, he couldn't conceal his surprise.

"So… she knows the herb mixture that gives the vanilla scent…?"

Philip muttered to himself repeatedly.

"Let me meet the Duchess. This is most definitely a cure." (Philip)

"You know that cannot happen. What did you do to be under surveillance?" (Anna)

"It is a personal matter and has nothing to do with medicine. Do you plan on giving up on the Madam's treatment like this?"

Anna shook her head.

"For me, there's no other way. Just as you say, Sir Philip could meet Milady and directly explain it to her but the meeting itself is impossible." (Anna)

"Anna, I cannot give up on a patient in front of me." (Philip)

"…Then, I will ask His Grace the Duke when he returns."

The Duke of Taran was currently not in Roam as he was inspecting the fief so Philip couldn't miss out on this opportunity. Once the Duke came back, he would never be left alone with the Duchess.

The Duke did not know the secret behind the mugwort but if the Duchess got pregnant after receiving Philip's prescription, the Duke would immediately see through Philip's manipulations and tricks. And the Duke would do everything within his power to stop the child from being born.

Therefore, the Duke must not know that Philip was involved in the Duchess' pregnancy. For that, Philip had to meet the Duchess. He was confident that once he met the Duchess, he could coax and persuade her.

"The will of the patient is priority. The most important thing is whether the patient wants a child. Do you think His Grace the Duke wants a child from the Madam when he already has a child born out-of-wedlock as his heir? Nobles are cold-hearted. They are different from ordinary people like us. Succession and affection towards one's wife are thoroughly differentiated. The Madam must also want a child to look at in her old age. Don't you think it will be a shame if the Madam is never able to embrace her own child?"

Philip calmly tried to persuade Anna. And Anna, whose heart leaned positively to Philip, was easily persuaded.

'Their relationship might be good now but…'

In the first place, noble relationships were like this. Whether male or female, they kept separate lovers and enjoyed themselves even when they were married. The only thing left was the child.

Anna thought the same way as the servants who gossiped that the Duchess was thinning because she had to enter an illegitimate son into the register as soon as she married in.

"I'll try and talk to Milady."

To Anna, it was for the Madam's sake.

* * *

"Milady, the doctor that I talked to you about the other day has requested to meet you." (Anna)

"Is that so? That's fine with me." (Lucia)

"However, Milady. This doctor…actually, he's the Duke's doctor."

"The Duke's?"

"Yes. The butler called me some time ago and informed me so. I was told that the Duke's doctor was being watched and should not be allowed to meet Milady nor should his existence be mentioned to Milady. I was told it is an order from His Grace the Duke."

Anna's expression and tone were resolute. Lucia's feelings of expectation towards seeing her benefactor began to subside.

"Then, you are committing a grave mistake right now. You are disobeying the order not to mention this to me." (Lucia)

"I am aware and I will take responsibility. But Milady, the doctor said you can definitely be cured. He wants to meet Milady and explain." (Anna)

"Responsibility? How will you take responsibility?"

"…I will resign from my position as doctor. I lack too much in many areas."


Lucia studied Anna's haggard expression. It was an expression that said the woman had a lot on her mind.

"Anna, the matter of the medicine last time was so, and the matter this time, likewise. These things would not happen if you kept to your duty."

"I know I have acted out of line. I just want to treat Milady so Milady can have a lovely child."

Lucia sighed. Anna wasn't a bad person. On the contrary, it was rare to see someone with passion as pure as Anna's. Therefore, Lucia liked Anna. However, she wasn't one to be tactful with people.

"What is the name of the Duke's doctor that wants to meet me?"

"…Sir. Philip."


"He is titled a baron."

Could the wandering doctor Philip be the Duke's doctor? For what reason would the titled doctor of a Duke be wandering around? The Philip she saw in her dream seemed used to the life of a wanderer. He wasn't some traveler taking a short trip.

'Could something have happened to the Duke of Taran at that time?'

In the later part of her life, Lucia lived enclosed from the world. She didn't know what was going on in the world much less hear news about the high society. It was the most tranquil time of her life in the dream but Lucia suddenly felt angry with herself in the dream. It would have been nice if she lived paying a bit more interest to the things around her.

'Why didn't he(Hugo) want me to learn of the doctor?'

At most, the man was simply a primary doctor. If Hugo hated the sight of him, he could simple expel the man and never see him again. Why was he going through the complicated process of planting eyes around the doctor?

"This doctor of the Duke, has he worked for the Duke for very long?" (Lucia)

"I hear he's been the Duke's doctor in the household for many years."

Once Lucia heard the words 'household for many years', she recalled something Hugo said.

[I can't tell you everything. These are things I don't want to reveal even when I die.]

'The secrets he wants to keep. This doctor…he knows them.'

It was just a feeling. However there was something she didn't understand. If her guess was really true, the doctor would have already died in Hugo's hands. The clues on her hands were too little to reach a further conjecture but one thing was certain.

He didn't want her to meet the doctor. If she wanted to meet the doctor, the best chance would be now that Hugo was absent but her instincts were telling her not to meet the doctor without Hugo's knowledge.

"I will not meet this doctor." (Lucia)

Anna sighed ruefully.

"Anna, as a doctor and as someone of the Duke's house, you have committed a huge blunder. I can forgive the mistake you've made as a doctor but I cannot do so for the mistake you've made disobeying the orders of His Grace the Duke. As for your resignation, I will accept it but not right now. We may be going up to the Capital soon so keep it with you till we go to the Capital."

Lucia then called for Jerome.

"Jerome, today my doctor Anna told me that the Duke's doctor wishes to meet me. However, you have previously cautioned me about this."

For a moment, Jerome's sharp gaze went to Anna who was solemnly standing at the side with her head lowered, then his gaze went back to his Madam.

"Yes, Milady. Master sent down the order."

"If it is his order, then there is certainly a reason. I have no intention of meeting the Duke's doctor. And as for this incident, I will personally inform him when he return."

"Yes, Milady."

"Anna wanted to offer her resignation but I refused. She will remain as my doctor until we go up to the capital. That is to say, there is no need to interrogate Anna additionally."

"Yes, Milady."

Jerome's attitude was akin to a solemn knight kneeling before his King to receive a command. Jerome always respected the Madam's wise decisions. There was nothing lacking in the one that reliably held up the House of Taran.

Jerome was really glad to be of service to two respectable masters.