
|| 1 || The Capital's Social Circle || Edited

Translated by: Sung Chang-mi

Edited by: Damon

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(T/N: There is Mature Content in this chapter. If you feel distressed by risqué contents, or are not within the aforementioned age bracket, please feel free to skip this.)

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"Oh god."

The maid attending to her in the bath suddenly exclaimed and fell to her knees. Lucia glanced sideways thinking the maid had slipped but found all the maids on their knees, bowing their head. She lifted her head because she could tell something was strange.

He stood at the bathroom entrance in his bathrobe, folding his arms. Lucia was so surprised that her jaw went slack. Meanwhile, the maids immediately made themselves scarce. They were gone very quickly.

"…What's the matter?"

Lucia was conscious of her nakedness in the clear water. She slouched, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

"It's very late." (Hugo)

"I'm done. I'll be out soon. So…"

He suddenly approached, startling her so she moved backwards. Eventually she was obstructed by the bathtub and had no choice but to lean against it. He sat on the bathtub edge and lifted her chin that was buried in her knees.

"Why? We can also bathe together."

Lucia felt her cheeks redden and shot him a look of complaint.

"You haven't done this before."


"Coming in while I'm in the bath."

"Is that so? Why does that matter?"

"I am embarrassed to face the maids."

Because of her experience in the dream, Lucia obviously knew how much maids guffawed and chattered when their masters couldn't see them. If it wasn't leaked outside, she couldn't really say anything but she was conscious of it.

In her dream, she had never witnessed such an embarrassing situation when she was a maid attending to her madam. In her mind, to keep showing such a sight to one's subordinates would hurt the master's dignity.

"It's odd you pay attention to that. What's so embarrassing?"

"I mean, be careful when there are eyes around."

Hugo could not understand why she cared about the eyes of the servants. Servants were like one's hands and feet. Why should one pay attention to one's hands and feet? She had high standards in odd places. Even when dealing with the workers, she didn't hand them casually.

She was too gentle and kind when dealing with people. Therefore, Hugo was worried about releasing her into the capital's high society which followed the law of the jungle. Unless one was to become a clergy, kind people were used and hurt.

Humans were a lot that preyed on the weak and wagged their tail to the strong. If the strong showed favor, they were exalted for patronizing the lowly, and when they crushed another cruelly, they were admired and revered. Those that wished to take advantage of her gentleness would be countless.

He couldn't watch over her every single moment to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. But he didn't want her to change. He selfishly wanted to keep her like this.

Just a little bit. He wondered if she could be hurt, just enough, to run into his arms for comfort. He didn't want her to fall but he wanted her to lean on him sometimes. No, rather than sometimes, a lot more often.

Hugo removed her hand from her knees and kissed the back of her hand. He also kissed her fingertips. As he lightly kissed her palm, wrist and arm, her face grew red. He held the back of her neck and swallowed her lips which were wet with water.

He wove his tongue into her small feverish mouth and coiled around her flustered tongue. He felt intoxicated from the smell of her body mixed with scented bath oil. He never got drunk no matter how much he drank but whenever he held her, he often felt that this was how getting drunk would feel.

As he listened to her small gasps, blood rushed to his lower abdomen. From the time she sat in the bathtub and looked at him with surprised rabbit eyes, he had been feeling a certain stiffness at the waist.

When he released her lips, she was flustered and looked puzzled about what to do.

"I said I'm done. Let's not do this here…" (Lucia)

Her babbling went in one ear and out the other. He gave a carefree smile.

"Then, shall I receive my reward?"

Lucia was getting worked up but hearing the word 'reward', she seemed to realize something and spoke in a disheartened voice.

"Did you…see it?" (T/N: She is referring to the invoice/bill)

"I did. I told you before, your husband is rich."

"Being rich doesn't mean that a fortune becomes small change."

"Let's not talk about unimportant things and get to the main point. What will you give me as my reward?"

"What do you mean reward!"

Lucia protested but, when he continued to repeat the same thing confidently, requesting for his reward, she somehow felt like her worries the entire day were trivial.

'Alright. I'm worrying over too much fortune. Would anyone else worry like me?'

He didn't show an ounce of interest in the large purchase she made today. The dark clouds that filled Lucia's heart slowly dispersed. In any case, she had to arrange a lot of things to go out to the social circle.

Next time, she would look for slightly cheaper designers. Lucia was already caught in Hugo and Antoine's snare but she would only know this in the future.

"What do you want?"

Instead of replying, Hugo slowly looked over her naked body in the water, starting from her toes and moving upwards. The desire in his scarlet eyes was clear. Lucia's face gradually grew hot.

"Why are you doing that!"

When she shouted, he titled his head as though asking 'what?' and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"We're going to wash again anyways so it's more economical."

Seeing him smiling suggestively, Lucia made a long face. Her body reacted reflexively and the insides of her thighs ached with thirst. She was gradually getting tamed by him. Like the fox Damian was raising, once it lost its wilderness and became a pet, it was unable to survive if it lost its master. Or, perhaps it was already at that step, Lucia thought.

She looked at him and he appeared happy at putting her in this puzzling situation. In front of him, she was flustered and didn't know what to do meanwhile he was always relaxed. Lucia was dissatisfied with this. She loosened her arm around her knee, secured a foothold in the bathtub and lifted her body.

She brought her face to his, kissing his lips and gently sucking on his lower lip. When she moved her away and looked at him, his eyes were trembling slightly. She felt good seeing his flustered expression and smiled faintly.


Hugo's throat felt dry. He wanted to bite her flushed cheeks that were like rose petals on white milk. She provoked him first so she shouldn't complain later. He handed the responsibility over to her and grabbed the back of her head to kiss her soft lips.

He slid his tongue into the gap of her small mouth and licked the extremely soft insides of her mouth. He caught her runaway tongue and entangled it with his. He swallowed her sweet saliva and a long, drawn-out kiss ensued.


At first, Lucia was hesitant but soon she was entranced by his kisses and wrapped her slender arms around his neck. She was a great student, actively responding to his skillful kisses. She incorporated what she had been taught and couldn't be compared to her first night when she didn't even know to open her mouth.

As he sucked on her hot, soft tongue, he smoothly ran his hand down her back and grabbed her waist, pulling her into his bosom. Her wet lips in his mouth was as soft as whipped cream. Why was she so sweet? Why was he so thirsty even though she was already in his arms? He was always troubled to suppress his beast-like desires because he was afraid he might hurt or frighten her.

After the deep desiring kiss was over, Hugo looked at her restless expression for a moment then he stood up. He took off the robe he was wearing and threw it away. There was nothing that could be called imperfect on his muscular naked body. His standing center between his legs looked huge and firm.

In spite of herself, Lucia's eyes were glued to it and she gulped hard. He entered into the bathtub. Lucia stayed still, sitting in the bathtub and looking up at him as he remained standing. His blazing red eyes looked as though they would completely devour her and he ordered in a raspy voice.

"Come here."

Lucia shrank and her gaze alternated between his face and his raging erection. At his overbearing gaze, goosebumps rose on her skin, a lump appeared in her throat and her ears grew flushed. Slowly, she raised her torso, slicing through the water and moved forward on her knees.

Her gaze was fixed on his erection that was gradually becoming closer. She stopped right next to his lower body and looked up at him again. His eyes were silently commanding her.

Lucia carefully took hold of his firm manhood, obeying his command. It wasn't her first time touching it. Occasionally, he would guide her hand slowly on his thing, moving several times and not in a hurry. Now she had reached the point of not being cowered unlike the first time.

It was big enough to fit tightly in her hard and it was hard enough that she couldn't believe it was flesh. The terrible thing that penetrated her day after day and tormented her persistently, she brought it to her mouth.

Now, she was able to try things that she could not even imagine in the past. She kissed the curved tip and licked it slightly with her tongue. Then she opened her mouth and swallowed it. It would be unreasonable to swallow all of him with her small mouth so she only put the upper part in her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue.

His hand grabbed her hair and his breathing became rough. His reaction excited her and the insides of her legs ached and squeezed. It was the feeling of a female getting drunk on a male's thick scent.

Her technique was bad but her poorly teasing tongue excited him more than any good technique. Just seeing her taking him into her mouth was enough. His innocent wife that couldn't even kiss before was now licking his thing with her mouth. It gave him pleasure as though he was tainting her snow-white feathers with his color.

He grabbed her hair a little firmly and pulled her away. Her lips that had been licking and swallowing his thing, glistened with saliva. Her face was flushed with excitement and her unfocused eyes were terribly erotic.

He lifted her up with strong force and made her to stand. This time, he went on his knees and spread apart her thighs. He held them firmly apart and kissed her nether region. He tasted her petals nestled deep in her forest between her thighs. There was a lot of delicious honey flowing beneath her petals.

He rubbed her tender flesh with his lips and sucked on it strongly. His mouth moved like when he desired her creamy breasts. He pushed his tongue inside her petite entrance. Her wet, hot insides did easily not give way to his prying tongue. He sucked on her chewy flesh and swallowed her deeply.


Her legs trembled. A hair-raising pleasure ran up her spine. If he pushed his tongue deeper, she could get a greater thrill but he kept his stimulation to a borderline degree. She was gradually losing strength in her legs. Thanks to his firm hold on her, she narrowly avoided falling down.

"Hnn… Ung… Uuu…"

Imploring moans flowed from her mouth. Her entire body was focus on his stimulations and slackened. Her upper body fell on his shoulder and her hands grasped his hair tightly. Even though she was leaning her entire weight on him, it was too much for her. She wanted collapse and lie down.

Just like when he kissed her senselessly, he rolled his tongue, enveloped her wetness with his lips and licked her with the tip of his tongue. Her spring drooled with fragrant juices. It was a clear spring but deep enough that the bottom couldn't be reached. Reaching the bottom was a task for his manhood that was firmly erect in his lower abdomen. The shallow insertion of his tongue in her crevice was mainly for exploration.

The stimulation from his tongue that moved recklessly and stirred up her insides was too covert. Lucia trembled with a mix of shame and excitement. His caresses were done without reserve. His mouth was greedily licking her private part. The sound of him swallowing her body fluids made her feel giddy. Her breaths and moans gradually turned rough.

She could only put enough strength in her hands to hold his hair and her legs which were held in his hands could no longer move to her will.


She felt a short sense of climax and her body shook tremblingly. In an instant, it ran up her spine and the feeling of intense pressure was dizzying. She tightened her hold on his hair and gasped for breath. As his lips moved away, his strength supporting her legs disappeared and her body collapsed.

Hugo lightly lifted her exhausted body and sat on the edge of the bathtub. He brought her petite entrance to his center and slowly sat her down on his rigid member. Her narrow path swallowed his rod in one go, allowing him to enter smoothly.

A sigh-like moan escaped the two of them. Lucia's entire body trembled and she buried her head in his chest. The feeling of his tip pushing against her deepest parts sent shivers up her spine. His huge rod stirred inside her body as it was positioned from below.

His lips carved their seal onto the back of her neck and collarbone. A ticklish sensation came from her shoulders then a smarting sensation followed.

Hugo waited for a moment then he grabbed her hips and lifted her up then lowered her down. He repeated this over and over without using too much force. Her arms around his neck shook up and down and she mewled seductively. Her screams resonated throughout the bathroom.

"Aah! Ang!"

He opened her up and entered her countless times. With the force of her weight pressing down, his penis widened her vaginal walls, driving all the way in. As his movements intensified, her arms around his neck began to slip due to sweat and water.

He captured her bouncing breast with his mouth, seizing her nipple with his tongue and her insides squeezed in response. He then skillfully turned her around, changing their position. She sat with her back facing him and he held her arms behind her.

Their changed position stimulated a different place inside her. Every time he bounced his waist, her vision was propelled forward and the water surface shook. As she sat on his thigh, her feet floated in the air. The unstable position increased her anxiety and drove her with excitement.

Every time he thrust from below, she let out a cry of pleasure. Whenever her body came down, his huge rod would penetrate her, filling up her insides. She was exhilarated from the rise and free fall in addition to the pleasure and was unable to think of straight.


Climax swept through her body. Her body stiffened and at the same time, her vagina began to spasm. He stopped moving, feeling an irresistible pressure and released.

Listening to his deep-throated moan, Lucia felt a startling sense of pleasure. After the moment of climax passed, she exhaled breathlessly and her body slackened. He held onto her body that was about to topple over.

He embraced her tightly from behind and the pressure could be felt deeply. 'Haa,' Hugo gave a low sigh. He tried to endure a little more but he couldn't bear it.

When her trembling subsided a little, he stood up with her in his embrace. He walked out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom.

At the feeling of softness on her back, Lucia opened her eyes. Meeting his scarlet eyes, she could see that his desire had not subsided at all. Only her upper body lay at the edge of the bed and he positioned himself beside the bed.

When his hands moved to hold her waist, she predicted what would follow and closed her eyes. In one stretch, he thrust into her.


He penetrated her quickly but intensely and began to thrust rapidly. An intense stimulation moved in and out of her. Small shudders coursed through her body at his quick movements. She moaned intermittently and twisted her body. She was feeling breathless as though she was running.

The lingering feeling from the climax earlier caused her inner walls to convulse, opposing the intruder. From time to time, he let out a raspy breath. He grabbed her legs and lifted them to his shoulders.

When he thrust in deeper, she squeezed the sheets tightly. The feeling of his thing reaching up to her womb sent shivers up her spine. In this position, he was hitting her deepest parts more often and better than before.

Sometimes, Lucia had the thought that his persistence added up little by little. Little by little, she was swallowing him like a bottomless pit. When the stimulation became so intense that she was about to cry, he pulled out and turned her body upside down.

Lucia lay face down on the bed and grasped the sheets tightly then she let out a moan-like sigh. When will tonight end? He rubbed against the inner flesh of her thighs and his rigid member opened up her body and entered inside.