Chapter 7.9 - Cornerstone of Faith

Snow fell on the streets of Haven. But this time, the first snows hit not the watchtowers of haven, but instead hit the new 'tallest' buildin. Towering above the surrounding buildings, a cathedral had been built. This place of worship, ready with two recently plated Clerics, was to be the Holy Site of the Keepers of the Gates. And today was quite its first service.

Overall the occasion was one for celebration. Today had several services planned, but the very first service was to take place at Sunrise, which was reserved for the city leadership, early adopters of the faith, and Haven's children. It was done because a service at sunrise was less than ideal, so Serin wanted to give the average citizen a bit more sleep.

Serin had only estimated roughly 50 or so people would attend the service. He was wrong There were hundreds. So much so that the first service was completely filled. The massive cathedral itself was built in the exact center of Haven, a place that was originally the town square. And outside the cathedral was a gathered crowd, waiting in darkness for the second service. The remaining attendance of the first service was based on Merit, which worked out because other than the children, the special guests of the first service, those in attendance were of the highest average merit in the nation. The site of the cathedral was no coincidence, being in the centere of town.

This was the site where gates opened up. And although there was now gold inlaid tile in all of the areas surrounding the entry point, the damaged, burned, and glassed earth surrounding the exact spot of gates was left unmolested. It was there to remind others that those that came through brought with them the last hopes of their people.

Today was a joyous occasion. The Cathedral, built of several otherworldly stone varieties from inside the dungeon was a formidable sight. Light shown through its vaulted glass ceilings and whatever surfaces were not decorated with artistic depictions of the crossings of the various races were used as growth space for indoor vines and trees.

Serin and his family sat in the front row. The rest of the pews were filled with representatives, worshippers, students, and even a few dignitaries from Haven's Allied nations. It was quite the prestigious moment when the first plated cleric, a young lybringer man, began to speak. Gius, wearing the holy plate armor of their faith, smiled and said,

"Welcome, my fellow children of Gideon. I welcome you on this glorious day to such a momentous occasion. But today is about more than this grand place of worship, the gilded stone and artistry that is built upon its walls. It is more than the mysterious gate that appears when those outside need. It is the people that make this day beautiful.

Many years ago, in the days before we crossed, the Lybringer had a place of great importance, the place that our ships moored. It was called the Sikkert Porthus. It was a place where the ships of old could find safety from the storms of the great seas of our coastland. I find it fitting that this very place, this grand cathedral is named 'The Gatehouse', as it guards all those who cross its boundary.

But we, the Keepers of the Gates, are not just defenders of Unity. Each time our Gate has opened, it has done so and strengthened us as a people.

Before Serin, Humans knew only hatred towards difference.

Before the Demis, Haven was only a refuge for those hunted for their empathy.

Before the Changelings, Haven feared its neighbors, having not the strength of arm.

Before the Planetouched, Haven knew not the glory of a united people shaking the chains of their past.

Before the Gole, Haven knew not the wonders of creation that could be plucked from the whispers of infinity and woven into greatness.

Before the Dhamphir, Haven could not understand the passion behind civil service, and the purity of a life lived peacefully.

Before the Forest Elves, Haven and the Wild were at armistice, not peace.

Before the Constructs, Haven could not understand the joy of subtle love.

Before the Transmuted, Haven knew not the value of those who were truly alien.

Before the Parasites, Haven feared the incurable ailments of the mind.

Before the Forged, there was no redemption for the unredeemable.

Haven is a place for all, and the Keepers of the Gates will ensure that this promised land does not suffer the failures of Gideon's lesser." The Ceric was about to continue, when the gate opened.

Stepping for the first time upon the mortal plane, Gideon, Keeper of the Gates, Patron Divine of Haven's people, stood. His first words were not as welcoming.

"Good day to you my children. Speaking of my lesser, there has been a development."

The book of Piety, having been filled in with the faith of the Keepers of the Gates, rose from its pedestal, and being surrounded with a bright light began scribbling in words. The sections being filled in were of [Heresy] and [Holy War].

"Just as the people Haven used a copy of the book of Piety to summon me as their Patron Divine, so has my sister been summoned."

The crowd was unsure how to react. Other than the assumed divinity that was the attendants of the adventurer's guild, a Divine has never stepped foot onto the continent of Terra in all of the years that history had been recorded. But then again, neither was there a cathedral in history.

Gideon continued, "My Children, fear not. This course was to take place whether you had selected me to be your patron or not. It was destined the moment a people who were different first stepped onto Terra. For my sister Mephistra values purity. She values conviction. And Since it was a group of humans that have summoned her, it will be them that she considers her children. All others she will only grant the mercy of her purging flames."

The assembled crowd did not know what to do. Here before them stood their patron, informing them of a new enemy.

Gideon spoke again, "Fear not. They may have garnered power. But remember that the diversity of those here is what gives you strength, and to mark the joyous occasion of this cathedral's benediction, I will open the gates for you, if you choose."

Serin then was alerted

[Special refugee request: Sparks of Divinity]


The service ended and as Gideon retreated into his gate, out poured several dozen glowing orbs of light.

The gathered crowd watched as the orbs of light came through. They then hovered to the top of the cathedral and simply hovered around.

Serin used [greater inspect] on one that was close to him.

[Plate information unavailable until Spirit is given form.]

Serin looked at the gathered people. There was a palpable tension, as their patron had visited them on this glorious day to inform them of an openly hostile people that were not bound by the rules of just one host nation.

The room was quiet, silence had filled the space. A silence that had to be handled delicately.

Jasper stood up. Jasper, who was on record with the most deaths, stood up. Beside him were the four constructs he had registered to him. All of them with short hair. "This is not a time to worry, this is a time to celebrate! Our enemies will now come to us, and last time i checked they had resorted to killing unplated children because to them, we are immortal. Haven has no graveyards. Death for us is a choice, one we choose to decline. So rejoice! Those that truly hate us will no longer hide their poisonous thoughts behind a mask of disdain. They will openly show their hostility, and where they pop up, I will be there, waiting in the shadows to strike them down."

Jasper, in a rare moment of authority, had spoken such rousing words. Veronica Seven Blades and her partner Fast Eddie sat with Jericho and his partner Jasmine. Having known Jasper for decades, they were stunned at this uncharacteristic show of leadership. As Jasper sat, one of the constructs with him subtly grabbed his pinky. Another scooted closer.

Then as soon as the moment was there, it was gone, as Jasper's next words were "I am just confused why he sent us glowing orbs. The Constructs were prettier."
