Chapter 7.26 - Castle in the Sky

It had been a while since Serin had left Haven. It had been even longer since he had done so as a Lord, and not under the Moniker of 'subjugator'.

But, here he was. It was full Winter in Ston, reviewing requests for a branch business venture. Normally, any such matters would be handled by the diplomatic corps, or one relegated to such task, but this place had an odd request.

'First Light', the morning Cafe popular in Haven for its delicious scones, hearty breakfasts, as well as tea and coffee, had made a request. They wished to have a small branch office developed in Ston. If it worked, this would be an amazing step forward in the slow advance of progress. There was just a slight issue.

They were unable to store many of the goods on site.

'First Light' had petitioned to Representative Sutemos to allow for a greenhouse be built in Ston so their full menu could be allowed to be used. Sute was aware that about 90% of their produce was considered export controlled. Haven was not stingy in sharing food. Staple crops, breeding pairs of larger animals, and common spices like Salt and Cayenne were allowed. But many of the more exotic fruits, fragrant spices, and magical herbs were not for export. These are what truly gave the dishes of Haven their otherworldly taste.

So of course, Serin flatly refused. But he did not want to hamper business. So here he was in stone, with Ferret (2nd Mask of Stone called this because the shape of her mask was that of a Ferret), Dana, and Lord Koni.

They were inspecting a site for building of a new cafe. Although 'Cafe' was a stretch.

Lord Rezzi smiled, "Yes, it should work. But be aware that the max capacity of this restaurant will be a hard limit, so a door guard is required."

The plan was highly complex, and since as a business venture it would cost more than any normal plan, Haven's government had to get involved.

Serin was OK with this. Since the nation was merit based, there were no rights to free land, purchased property, or franchise without permission from the government. Serin had realized that inherited property was the reason for the weakening of the human race. So far it was working.

Normally in Haven, if a person wanted to start a business, they had to have accrued a baseline level of merit to do anything above being a peddler of wares at a street corner. Although, if their wares were enough of a wanted commodity, this warranted right to a stall, or an emporium or larger store. This was all based on Merit.

Additionally, the opportunity to expand was slow for those without significant financial backing. There were currently two options approved in Haven. The first was to receive investments from private citizens of Haven, who would purchase a portion of your business in return for the startup capital. Although this was common among the races, Humans were no longer considered trusted investors due to the previous incidents of attempted nepotism.

The other option, which was often sought, was to request aid from the Government. Serin had made it a flat rate. All start-up costs, initial inventory, and credit capital, for 10% of the ownership, and profits, in perpetuity. It was not a bad deal. But it was permanent. When he first started out, Haven's finances were often in the red. But with this kind of deal, a store's success was Haven's success.

Now it was not just stores. Taxi Services, merchant transport airships, livestock, private garden, and research and development just to name a few. Haven had its fingers in many pies.

And because of this, Haven did not have to rely on taxing income of its citizens beyond its childcare fund, which all gladly paid into. Humans didn't mind it because it was much lower than the taxes that their previous magistrates or governors charged.

So Here Serin stood. Looking at the small building. That had been bombed out. Koni went over the architectural plans.

"So Here is where we will have the entrance and waiting area. The Hostess will be required to wear magic defense at all times, since this is foreign soil. Once approved and scanned for explosives, customers will be seated up there via a permanent [gate]."

Lord Koni pointed at the floating island very high off of Ston. "The main restaurant will be about as high as comfortable, with appropriate magics in place to dampen the higher winds and cold air. The entire seating area will be made of glass to allow an unprecedented view of the landscape, as well as give the four stationed guards viewing access for incoming threats to Ston. The storehouse of the restaurant will be another permanent [gate] to an auxiliary warehouse in the diplomatic quarter of Haven, which will have each day's goods loaded inside. As they are prepared ingredients and not raw plants, it doesn't violate export, and since the [gate] is already in a well guarded area, it does not risk leakage."

Serin smiled, "What about a raid on the restaurant to gain access?"

"Every single employee carried a [gate] disabling charm, and it can be cut off remotely from both down here and in Haven. Instructions are to reduce possibility of infiltration at all costs."

"This seems like it will be an expensive venture." Serin commented. That was when Representative Sutemos walked up. "Yes. And as you are aware, Haven does not have a share in any of the first light cafes. We are offering 1% of all 9 of our cafes and 1% of this one, as a way to average costs."

Serin smirked. She was hedging her bets and assuming that this restaurant would be a hit. Serin did not mind as he would start getting a cut of the profits of the other 9 cafes, regardless.

"I agree. Now then, do you prefer handshake or contract."

It was then that it happened in an instant. A dagger appeared, held by the hands of an expert assassin. The Target was Serin. No one had detected him. No one could stop him.

Jigil of the Rising blade, was an expert at killing mages. And he had been hired to kill this mage. Paid half up front, 50,000 credits. His enchanted blade's tip was designed to slice through the fabrics of enchantments mages wore, and he had aimed for a spot where death would be instant, the back of the neck.

He had performed this maneuver several times. He had not, however, tried it against someone with the [Bad Timing] Perk.

Somehow, the blade missed its mark completely, clanging off the side of Serin's armor.

Serin had already reacted, pulled his scattergun, and unloaded two shots into the torso of the assassin, who's [invisibility spell] was not negated by his attack.

Jigil of the rising blade fell to an opponent he did not understand. As the blood flowed out of him he watched as guards from all over sprang to action searching the area for any of Jigil's accomplaces, which they would find none. Jigil worked alone.

As the ruckus died down and the light faded from Jigil's eyes, Serin saw as his could for Souls moved from 0 to 1.

"So that's how that works…"