Ch 9 : Let's go for a swim!

A month had passed and just like the Animagus training wanted he had kept the mandrake leaf inside his mouth for that entire month, thank god for sticking charms, otherwise he wouldn't be able to count the amount of times he wanted to spit the leaf out if his mouth.

But in that month he had also collected all the potions ingredients, studied more magic and also practiced his wandless magic so that he would be able to complete the last part without a wand, that was actually the step he was at now, it also happened to be the most boring part.

You needed to repeat "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" again and again, from sun rise to sun set until there was a thunder storm and you did it while pointing your wand at your heart but Logan would just be using his hand, placed over his heart instead of a wand, he didn't want to be on the Magical Ministry's watch list just yet, especially with the tracing spell they put on everyone wands.

That reminded him, he would have to look for a way to remove the trace for when he did get his wand, but it shouldn't be to difficult with the library he had amassed over the last couple months, he had started off with the already impressive Black family library and he had been steadily adding to it with the help of his house elf's working at Hogwarts.

In Hogwarts there was a very special room, even more so then the ones around it, in a living magical castle the room had to be very special to be better then the others.

It was called the Room of Requirement, it could provide anything you could think of with magic, besides real food and objects that could be taken out of the room. If you wanted say a large room to practice your accuracy with your spells it would give you just that, a sunny beach, it can make that happen as well.

But the thing Logan liked about it the most was that it let you accesses the Room of Lost Things, it was were the Hogwarts House elf's put everything that had ever been lost in the castle, the very same magical castle that like messing around with it's inhabitants, from fake doors to doors that drop you off on the entire other side of the castle and then disappear right after. It's safe to say a lot of things had been lost in the castle and it has been standing proud for a very long time, Logan got giddy sometimes when he thought of what could be in the Lost Room.

Logan had his elf's taking everything of value from the room, that of course included books on magic, magical items, money, gold, valuables of every kind and they would then bring it back to the house and sort it. The gold and valuables got stored in a new vault that he had build in the basement, after having expanded it of course, he didn't really trust Gringotts.

If the Golden Trio could have broken into it when they were just seventh years at Hogwarts then what's stopping others, Logan was of course thinking of when Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley had broken into it the film the Deathly Hallows. What he can't get over is a bunch of children had broken into the supposed most secure place in Britain using tools everyone in the magical world carried around with them everywhere, that being a wand.

So he had begun moving out all his family gold and valuables from his vault and into his own, 80% had already been moved over but even that was in the billions of Galleons, it wouldn't be long before all of his money was moved over and he would have to expand his vault once again.

The books went to his library, magical items went to where they were useful or to his workshop and the things like art was hung up on the wall's if he liked it, he didn't want anymore annoying, screaming paintings on his walls where they could try and curse him. Those went up in the attic to join his grandmother, at least she would have someone new to shout at.

Getting back to what Logan was doing right now, he was currently standing in a field with a storm above his head and he was chanting just the spell to turn himself into an Animagus when the storm started to settle down.

"Look's like that's the end of the storm." Logan said aloud as he watched the dark clouds disappear, "Take me back Dobby." Logan said to the elf next to him who popped them away.


They reappeared in a very large pool and it looked like it was underground, "Make sure I get into the pool, don't want to suffocate right after transforming." Logan said to Dobby who nodded.

After getting conformation Logan flicked the stopped off the potion in his hand, he didn't hesitate in drinking it down, he could feel it going down his throat and then into his stomach where it settled.

"Is it be working Master White?" Dobby asked his Master, getting ready to push him in to the pool, he looked a little bit excited.

"I don't know, it never said how long it took to take- urr! Fuck that hurts!" Logan couldn't help groaning when he felt his insides changing.

His legs were the next to go, dropping him to the tiled floor having turning into a fishes tail, he now looked like a merman but the transformation didn't stop there, it quickly spread to the rest of his body, his clothes luckily also transformed along with him, one of the many mysteries of magic.

Within seconds Logan was a 3 meter great white shark, and he was currently getting pushed into the pool by a surprisingly strong house elf in a smart suit.

Getting used to his new body was hard but he felt his new instincts kick in a take over a bit, getting rid of the awkwardness of swimming without arms and legs and instead swimming with a powerful tail.

Going deeper and then rushing back up to the surface quickly, Logan breached the surface so he was in the air when he transformed back into his human form but his clothes were now soaked but Dobby quickly dried them with a snap of his fingers, "Looks like I'll need to learn how to add drying charms to my clothes." Logan said as they walked up the stairs that were close by, leading up to the ground floor and the living room.

"I'll need to talk to Snaggleclaw about slipping my Animagus registration paper work into the Ministry, at least the goblins will know what to do, otherwise how else do they get work done with the Ministry being filled with non-human and muggle haters. That actually reminds me, I should start planning on how I'll kill Umbridge, it's not like anyone will miss her at least." Logan said to himself with a devilish smile.