Ch 27 : All Together Once Again Part 1/3

Logan and the sorting hat entered the shack and looked around for traps, not that Voldemort would have made it that easy though, seeing none he used his magic sense to detect if there was any magic traps or wards in place that he might set off.

From what he felt from his magic sense the only defensive magic was under the splintering wooden bed, banishing the bed into nothingness with a flick of his hand, he stared down at the last piece of the puzzle that he needed to complete the Deathly Hallows, the resurrection stone.

It was attached to a ring that Voldemort had made in to a horcruxes, one more he could add to his growing collection, right alongside the twisted metal spoon and yellow rubber ducky.

As soon as he saw it Logan felt a compulsion charm pushing against his defences, the strongest he had ever faced and he had made sure to practice against them when he was building up his mental defences in the beginning.

"Hat." Logan exclaimed when he started to feel the compulsion actually attacking his mind like a mental probe from a enemy wizard trying to read his mind, Snape and Dumbledore had nothing on this compulsion, it must be fuelled by the horcruxes Logan thought to himself.

"Yeah, I feel it, don't worry I'll take the brunt of the attack you just destroy it already." The hat sounded strained as it spoke, Logan did feel the force on his mind lessen though.

After that he didn't wait, he summoned the resurrection stone to his hand with wandless magic and with the elder wand in his other hand he forced the ring to separate from it and he then flung in outside into the forest, making it break through the wall when it went with the speed of a charging rhino.

After he got further away from the ring Logan couldn't feel the compulsion trying to attack his mind so he assumed that it needed to be within a certain distance to attack someone but he didn't relax his mind from high alert just yet, he would only calm down when he saw that the ring was burned in hell fire.

"Good job Hat." Logan said taking the sorting hat off his head and he then held it in front of him so that it was facing him, "Now hand over the sword, I know Gryffindor gave you the ability to summon it." Logan grinned at the hats upset look.

Suddenly a silver sword dropped out form the hat, hitting the ground with a thud and clang, "How the hell did you know I could summon the sword? Not even Albus knew?!" The hat bellowed in anger, Logan ignored the hat and just put it back on his head and then picked up the sword, the very same one that supposedly only came to true Gryffindor's, it was a good thing you didn't need to be one to use it.

"Don't worry about that little detail, just be ready to protect my mind once again, it's time to slowly kill Voldemort for good, piece by piece." Logan said as he stepped out of the shack, sword in hand, ready to destroy something that was supposedly unbreakable.

They saw that the ring had landed in front of the shack and it had started killing everything around it, the grass was rapidly decaying and the ground was becoming blackened, the scent of death was in the air.

"Ready?" Logan asked as he walked towards the ring, once again feeling the compulsion trying to attack his mind.

"Finish it quickly!" The sorting hat shouted, sounding desperate and strained, it seemed that the ring was giving the hat much more trouble then before, most likely the ring was draining energy from it's surrounding and was using it to fight back.

Logan didn't waste any time after that, he rushed forwarded with the sword in position to strike, it only took half a second for Logan to be in range and he was already in motion with his swing when suddenly the twins appeared above the ring and it looked like they were about to try and stop him, but Logan already knew of the horcruxes tricks from the movies and so didn't hesitate to also cut down his girls to get to the ring.

The twins separated into wisps of black smoke when Logan's sword passed through them and it came right down onto the ring, breaking it in half and releasing a large amount of the same black smoke the twins were made of, but this smoke had a screaming face, it looked just like a young mans face, most likely what Voldemort looked like when he made the horcruxes when he was younger.

Releasing a breath Logan calmed down and thought back to how he killed the ring, how it tried to use his girls against him and how he needed to go see them as soon as possible to make sure that they were actually okay.


After visiting the twins briefly back at the Black family home he went off to Gringotts under the invisibility cloak, he pulled it off after he was in the back of the bank where a Goblin was waiting for the next customer, he only raised his eyebrows when Logan suddenly appeared in front of him suddenly.

"Mr. White, please follow me." A Goblin said as he lead Logan down to the underground area underneath Gringotts, where all the vaults were kept, "And you needn't worry about the Goblin nation handing you over to the wizards, we are still happy to be doing business with such a valuable customer." The Goblin said as they travelled very quickly on the cart, it's tracks spinning and sparking when they went around a bend.

Taking the cart, they were heading down to the bottom where they had the vaults for the most important holders for the bank, like the Black family, the Malfoy's and also the Lestrange's, the very vault he actually came to see today.

After finally reaching the bottom, they both got out of the cart and the Goblin then took out a cow bell looking thing and started to use a it and it made a loud clacking sound that hurt your ears when you heard it, accompanying the bell was a pained roar of a beast that seemed to be hiding ahead of them.

Walking around the corner they came face to face with a very large and very pale dragon with bone like spikes going along it's spine and it also had more smaller spikes along the rest of it's body and wings.

Logan always felt a lot of pity and sadness when he saw what was happening to the once great king of the sky's, but it was now just a beaten and chained down creature that would probably never see the natural sunlight again ... not unless he did something about it.

It looked like he would have one more task before he could leave Gringotts behind for good.

Suddenly pulling out the elder wand, Logan used the Imperio curse on the Goblin, the extra power to the spell from the wand making the Goblin under his thumb completely, he didn't get the chance to resist the curse and it now wouldn't wear out for a long time, he then made him stand to the side as quickly as his little legs could make him, so that he didn't get eaten by the now very pissed off Dragon that had just tried to tail bash him into the ground.

Fighting the Dragon was easy when you considered all of Logan's advantages over it, the elder wand adding power to his already mighty magic, the Dragon's own weakness caused from years of abuse, it only took transfiguring the ground into hands that grabbed the already chained Dragon to hold it in place while he used some over powered cutting spells, the very same that are used of cooking and cut it's head off, killing it instantly.

It was then just the matter of using a soul containment ritual to grab the Dragon's soul before it realised that it's body had died and passed on to this worlds version of the after life.

He then used the Dementor dust he had with him to infuse it within the body, like the core of a wand, put the soul back in the body but now it was contained in the Dementor dust and so wouldn't leave and it was then just the case of turning it into a tattoo so that it would always be with him, and it also meant that he now had a mount that could fly.

Once that was done, he now had a white dragon tattoo that also moved across his skin like the Basilisk did, and it actually looked that like they could interact, it also looked like that their first meeting didn't go off so well if the small brawl Logan witnessed happening on his skin was any indication.

The fight ended in what looked like a tie and after that the two creatures separated and didn't come close to each other anymore, the Basilisk stayed up near his neck where it liked to wrap around it like it was able to choke Logan and the Dragon was sniffing around the fighting aliens right now, but it quickly lost interest when it didn't get a reaction out of them.

"Alright, Mr. Goblin you can open the Lestrange vault now." Logan said to the brainwashed Goblin that was still standing to the side where Logan left him with a brain dead look on his face.

Once the Goblin heard him speak he started moving, walking over to a vault and putting his hand to the surface, making a pulse spread all the way through it, the locks on the front of the vault moved together so that they folded away to the side, the door soon opened by it's self after that.

The vault was stocked full of gold items and other valuable things that just so happened to fall into his unlimited storage bag, he honestly had no idea how that happened, another thing that he found in all the things that the Lestrange's had thrown into their vault is a old looking cup, the very same one that Helga Hufflepuff made and is said to be filled with different magical abilities, it's just that no one had used the cup for that yet so it's abilities are unknown.

It was also the same cup that Voldemort used as another horcruxes.

Putting the cup in a container for now Logan was about to walk back to the cart so he could leave when he saw one of the other vaults with a family crest that he slightly recognised, "Who's vault is that?" He asked the brainwashed Goblin that seemed more interested in counting the dust in the air then anything else.

"That is the Malfoy vault, would you like me to open that one as well, Mr. White?" The Goblin asked Logan who just grinned madly at the dazed looking Goblin.