Ch 41 : How I met a God!

"...we're in the world of How I met your mother!" Logan exclaimed in happiness, in his first life he had watched and rewatched How I met your mother so many times that he knew what would happen next in a episode, but he never got bored of it and always had a laugh watching it, his favourite character was definitely Barney Stinson, also known as the player king of New York city.

"How I met your mother? We haven't watched that one yet. What's it about?" The twins asked Logan as they walked back to the living room, where Logan was able to fly the house more accurately.

"It's about a couple and their friends, mainly about Ted Mosby and how he goes through life, and the story of how he eventually meets the woman who will give birth to his children. That's the main story line but a lot of other stuff happens alongside it. This world isn't very special so don't reveal your magic or your 'special' skills." Logan said the last bit when he looked at 47 who nodded his head at Logan.

"Alright then why don't we watch the series so you know why I'm so excited?" Logan said while he was parking the house in central park, and then double checking the wards that made people think it was normal that a house had just appearing in the middle of the park and they then sat down at the sofa and started watching the series.

Nagini hugged his right side and wrapped the end of her tail around his leg, Hestia hugged his left side and Flora turned into a rabbit and enjoyed the petting she got from Logan as she sat in his lap.

47 and Snape left saying that they would continue their work and leave Logan and the twins to watch the series. While Snape continued his studies in to potions, 47 set out with the shadow elf's to establish a network in this new world, stocking up on more items as well, the house elf's continued the order that Logan gave them a long time ago and was never told to stop, that being to order to stealing as much and as many valuable items as possible.


"Hey, Barney! See that girl?" Ted nudged Barney next to him to look over at Robin, Ted had a love struck look on his face when he looked at Robin.

"Oh, yeah~ You just know she like's it dirty." Barney said casually as he leaned on the bar, "Go say hi." He continued.

Ted shuck his head, "I can't just go say hi. I need a plan. I'm going to wait until she goes to the bathroom and strategically place myself by the jukebox-" Ted mumbled to himself before Barney grabbed his arm and made him face Robin who was suddenly at the bar.

"Hi, have you met Ted?" Barny grinned as he walked away, leaving Ted to meet Robin.

"Hi." Ted said awkwardly, inwardly cursing Barney but also thanking him at the same time as he got him to meet the girl of his dreams, well at least the newest one.

"Let me guess ... Ted." Robin said with a smile, playing off what just happened to relieve the awkward atmosphere.

Back with Barny he walked around the bar looking out for the girls that looked the most dumb and gullible, the bimbo's, oh how he loved the bimbo's.

He was looking at the corner booth when he spotted a twins, sitting either side of a man and he couldn't help but stare, don't get him wrong the twins were beautiful, the most beautiful girls he had ever seen with the best bodies, but that wasn't why he was staring so hard over at them, no, it was the man they were sitting next too.

His suit was ... perfect.

Barney didn't say anything was perfect lightly, but he couldn't help it this time, the suit was just that good. With the man's height it had to be bespoke, it was so black that it was like it absorbed the light around it. The man was clearly very muscular and it showed, 'I need to introduce myself to such a great man.' Barney thought as he walked over to the booth, without asking he took a seat and offered his hand to the man, "Barney Stinson, sorry to interrupt but I had to meet the man with such a nice suit. Respect." Barney said raising his other fist in respect.


Logan looked at Barney as he offered his hand, taking it in his own much larger one he shook it and said, "Thanks, you can say I have some magical elf's that made it for me." Logan said with a smile that didn't show his teeth, he didn't want to scare Barney off after all.

"Logan White-Black, my girls, Hestia and Flora. It's nice to meet you Barney." After Logan's introduction Barney was shocked beyond belief, his mouth was wide open in amazement, shock, and most of all begrudging respect. Even more then what he has for the suit, "Are... Are you god?" Barney exclaimed in a low amazed voice when he heard that Logan was dating two woman and that they were twins, he had to be god!

"Hahahaha!!!" Logan couldn't control his laugh, it bellowed across the entire bar, bringing everyone's attention to them, everyone was quiet when they saw just who was laughing, a 7' 3" tall man, incredibly muscular, long spikey black hair, a sharp jaw line and a handsome face, but what was even more shocking then all of that combined was what was inside his mouth, sharp teeth like a shark and a split tongue, no one would have noticed had Logan not opened his mouth.

"No, I am not a god, thank you for the compliment though. I was just very lucky that these two fine ladies took an interest in me." Logan smiled now letting his teeth show, not bothering to hide them now that he had already let them show.

Barney nodded his head in understanding, "I, ah, can help but notice those deadly looking chompers you got there." Barney couldn't help himself and asked Logan about his teeth, his whole demeaner screaming that he was scared.

"Oh, these?" Logan asked rhetorically, showing off his teeth at the same time.

"Oh, stop looking so nervous, it's not like I bite." Logan chuckled.

The twins however seemed to disagree with that statement, in perfect sync they said, "We can beg to differ." It may have been said quietly but with no one else making any noise in the bar it was heard loud and clear.

After the initial hurdle Logan, the twins and Barney started keeping along better, it was mostly discussing different stories from their lives, they of course didn't revealed the truth as to why they were in the bar in the first place or anything to do with magic. It would just be strange for Barney to learn that he was in the bar to let a meeting like this happen, it actually worked out much better then Logan could have thought, he also didn't expect to get along with Barney so quickly.