
The Calm Before the Storm

Most people were tense this night. It couldn't be helped with the day ahead, proving to be a difficult one for many of them. Although they agreed to such methods, it wasn't ideal for any streamer in the room, none of them was soldiers. Most were not heroes. The idea of risking one's life was a laughing stock to most, so the idea of fighting the Cult of Vanguard alongside P4R4D0X was nothing more than frightening, to say the least. Out of the streamers though it was Zinnia, of course, who was trying to lift the mood as the streamers had their final meal before the battle ahead.

"What should we do after our victory tomorrow? I was thinking of renting out a karaoke room for the whole day, and we just sing whatever problems we have away."

Emil scoffed scooping the last of his mash potato. "Not every problem in this world can be solved with cheesy singing Zinnia."

"For once, I have to agree with Emil." Gale sighed, looking down. "This suck."