
Dead End Part 1

"So, this is where it ends, huh? What a pity, I honestly thought so highly of you Aoi. It appears my trust in lower lifeforms was a mistake." Bargaining taunted staring down at P4R4D0X with a smug look. "You're a failure Aoi." He went to walk away only to stop seeing P4R4D0X gripping onto his leg like a lost puppy. "Give it up. You've failed."

"I can. Still fight."

"Oh, can you now? I see something completely different, where I'm standing, I see nothing more than someone unworthy of the Garden's gift. Look at me; I had to sacrifice so much for this gift of mine. I fought for this place, no mercy. Nothing like that, so tell me then Gemini, what are you willing to do for power?"

P4R4D0X lowered her head whispering. "Anything, I'll do anything."