
Only I Am Worthy Part 3

The bullet which Goro fired had just missed. The ringing noise consumed the room as he collapsed, struggling to breathe. Alongside him, everyone else was lying on the ground defeated all apart from Zinnia. She was still standing looking on in horror as all her friends and allies were overwhelmed. She didn't know how, but she was the only who could still fight. "Gemini! Stop this. Don't hurt my friends."

Aoi looked down on Zinnia with a dominate look as she tutted. "Who are you to demand what I do? These imposters are all not worthy."

"How is this the way of solving anything?"

Aoi met Zinnia head-on as the two stared each other down, Zinnia kept her cool knowing it was for her friends. "Just because you are worthy doesn't mean you can vouch for these sinners. Only I know who is worthy."

"What about you? Killing dozens for your cause. How can you claim even to be anywhere close to being worthy?"