Emil sat outside the bedroom of the Dawn family in a silent state. Gale leaned against the wall clicking his tongue waiting. Zinnia was just as quiet as she was staring out the window fidgeting around. After Alton had collapsed, Scarlett had taken the lead taking Team Rhapsody back to her home once again. The idea was off to Gale and Emil believing a hospital would be much better. Gale sighed, moving away. "Emil, what happened back there? You froze up in that dump of an apartment."
"That dump of an apartment was the home I grew up in before I joined the Montagues."
"Oh, sorry…"
Emil shook his head-scratching his chin which had patches of facial hair plastered around. "Don't be. I have no remorse or care for that place. I hadn't been back since I became a Montague eight years ago. It just threw me off."
"You said your mother was in that blitz. No one was there, though." Zinnia spoke, confused. "And Alton spoke of another person."