
Killer Queen

Emil collapsed from inside the wall of a frozen stadium shivering looking around lost. "What the hell just happened?" As he stepped forward, he fell to his knees, struggling, feeling much weaker. "We were just on an island… This must be the work of EOR. I need to make sure everyone else is alright."

Emil pulled himself up, seeing the digital gas-consuming the area. Pulling out his mask, which was an essential gas mask for use when making graffiti, he firmly placed it on safe from the illusions. Ready to find the others out of nowhere, Emil was kicked to the ground as he held his arms up breaking his fall. Turning, he saw another streamer staring down at him, cracking his knuckles. "Emil Montague… I've been searching for you."

"Seriously man I know this is a Battle Royale and all but could you keep that trigger finger under control. We have bigger issues than a mere fight."

"This is more than a mere fight. I am here to seek my revenge."