
Always Two Steps Ahead

The eternal flames could be seen for miles. The entire street was cornered off as firefighters took to the scene. Alton hadn't stopped running since the orphanage and although his legs felt like they were going to give way he refused to give in. He soon made it to the scene of the crime as he barged past the crowds ducking under the tape ignoring the police. Looking around paranoid, his heart sunk as he saw Scarlett sitting on the steps to her blown up home with bandages wrapped around her left eye. "Scarlett!"

Scarlett glanced up looking hopeless as Alton ran over. "Alton…"

Alton picked Scarlett upholding her tightly trembling. "I saw the explosion… I thought… Shit, I thought I lost you."

Scarlett stared blankly looking startled. "What are you talking about… It's going to take more than this to kill me…"
