
The Nightmare Before Christmas Part 3

Alton stared forward at the Syndicate high council frozen snowflakes dropping from his hands. None of the three moved each stationed a small distance from him. Each of them was more than prepared as Alton held his hand out, letting the cold dwindle into the open. The floor froze around him, shattering as Alton pressed on. Planning on taking out Emi in one fatal blow he charged an attack striking. The other two high council members rushed past Alton pulling him back as his arms were snapped back and his whole body dragged across the floor. Resisting as best as he could Alton's arms began shaking against the force as he let out a yell of anger ripping his grip forward, breaking the bondage on him. Stumbling along, he slammed into the ground as the blizzard picked up. Staring up at Emi, he let out a frozen breath snapping his fingers as serval icicles fizzled at her.