
Fairy-Tale Lie Part 1

"Come on! Keep up, Iris. Hurry!"

"Dad wait!"

Hans gripped his daughter's arm, tugging her along as the streets of Sunset Peak were filled with screams and panic. The area was freezing over-consuming the masses and the buildings they called home. Alice woke up being held tightly in Hans' arms. She looked around dazed wincing with a banging headache. "Iris?"

"Alice, thank God you're awake! Just hold onto daddy we're getting out of here."

"What's going on?" Alice whimpered, seeing her house freeze over crumbling at the storm. "Our home…"

Hans turned to look paranoid pulling Iris harder, making her grunt in pain. "We need to hurry! We need to get to safety. V.I.R.A.L will come to save us!"