
Go to the Light Part 1

Smoke covered the streets. The droning sound of screams flooded through blocking out all other sounds. This was met by one additional sound, the click of a gun. Alton tried crawling away blood smudged against the ground using his arm to dig at the floor. He kept looking backwards in devastation as a figure walked up, stopping his path. Two more watched from the side lines, the look of justice gleaming in their eyes. The first figure kicked Alton overstepping on him crushing his rips. Alton couldn't put up much of a fight, not anymore, he stared scared for his life as a gun was firmly pressed against him. A cold breeze shook through the wreckage as the figure waited idly looked away, hiding behind their mask. Clocking the firearm, they whispered in a dry ominous tone. "Send Lily my regards Avalanche." One more was matched through the bombardment of sounds—the sound of a stray gunshot piercing the screams reaching that with silence.
