
Go to the Light Part 3

Lifting the truck, Scarlett gave Emil enough time to get the last civilians out. Throwing the truck aside Scarlett landed looking around one last time. "I think that's the last of them. We should regroup with Alton."

"Agreed. This is going as smoothly as can be."

"Alton, now that's a name I haven't heard in a while." A voice played off trailing with her words. The two streamers turned to a girl with a broken half mask with stained blood dripping from the eye. "Just hearing that name gives me goosebumps it's contagious."

"Are you a member of Villain's Wrath?" Scarlett questioned carefully.

"Yup. Streamer Fate reporting for duty." She goofily said saluting. "Now a question for you. Where's your leader?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I want to kill him silly, duh!" She scoffed.

Scarlett scowled her swinging her arm around. "Like that's going to happen!"