
The Cold Hard Truth

Kurt grumbled cracking his knuckles, pushing the doors to the main computer room open. "Alright, this better is worth it, I'm a man of very few free moments."

An employee turned to him, looking slightly paranoid. "Boss, you need to check this out."

Kurt slouched down in his seat as the employees pulled up an archived stream that instantly gained his attention. "The hell is this… The death of Alton Brantley." Watching the exact title play out, Kurt stood up, shaking his head. "This shit real?"

"Very likely. Do you want us to take the stream down?"

"How many times has it been viewed?" Kurt questioned lost in thought over the events playing out.

The employee shook his head spinning in his chair, facing Kurt. "Almost one million in just a few hours. Thoughts?"

Kurt leaned forward, tapping his hand serval times on the desk. "Leave it for now. Villains' Wrath, what do we have on them?"