
The Tipping Point

Scarlett had finally gotten herself back to normal. She had spent a usual time in the bathroom, letting her raw emotions out. She wasn't fond of others, especially the weak low members of Syndicate seeing her like that. After the incident with Alton, she was at the tipping point. But alas she was back to sort of normal enough to trick anyone into thinking that. All apart from one person. "Oi, Syndicate." Scarlett turned facing the mess hall as Melissa Elion, the head of the family's security, waved her over. She bared it all up and approached with little choice. "Suppose I should congratulate on your first proper victory. Some of us were unsure of you, to begin with, especially being made Queen of the family out of nowhere. But you didn't do bad kid I misjudged you. Therefore, I wanted to apologise."

"There is no need for such petty scabbles as apologies. I haven't earned the right to be known as the Queen yet."