
Intertwined Fates

Scarlett had snuck out once again, this time choosing to leave Riley behind. With their birthdays coming up Scarlett wanted to buy her sister something unique, but with no money Scarlett's chances were small. To top that she was also lost in the vast shopping area of Rhinefield with no clue where to begin. But this didn't bother her, the vase amount of people talking and laughing was enough to get Scarlett drunk off the atmosphere. Standing by the side, she was lost when watching the many people going about their lives. She would let her imagination run wild dreaming she was in their shoes, pretending to be out with friends shopping and having fun.

Her little sequence was cut short as she noticed a little boy sitting in the corner wiping his wet eyes, he had a troubled look, yet nobody paid him any attention. Feeling bad for the boy Scarlett jumped down from the wall she poured through the crowds reaching the crying boy. "Are you alright?"