
Goodbye Rhapsody Part 2

"No… Alice, I didn't mean to… It wasn't meant to hit you…"

Alton ran over, holding Alice in his arms. "Why did you do that?!"

"I promised you. I'd always protect you, Alton, I'll take Zinnia's place and make sure of that no matter what."

Alice passed out looking worse for wear. Alton lowered her down slowly as he turned to Scarlett his body freezing over. Each step he took froze everything around him with pure black ice, his skin turned a bleak white as his whole body was dropping in temperature. Alton's head lifted tears frozen down his face as he bit his lip screaming. All the ice shattered instantly as Alton lost all self-control over himself. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Kurt watched on with a gleeful grin. "And this is the moment I've been waiting for. The fall of Team Rhapsody once and for all."