
Rise of a Hero Part 3

Stepping outside the pawnshop, Alton took a longwinded breath of fresh air, having escaped the jaws of the beast for the time being. Even if he was never in any real danger here, he couldn't help but feel scared for his life all the same. Shane glanced at his watch, nodding. "We should still have time. Say, Kurt, what say we head out to our usual spot? You don't have to get back to your roommate, do you?"

"Shouldn't I be off looking for this Oncoming Storm?" Alton questioned, not trusting of the other Syndicate members.

Kira sighed, leaning on Alton's shoulder, letting out a fake yawn. "God, you can be so boring. Father didn't say you have to do it today. The false villain can't skip town, so she'll be forced to hide away until she slips up. Loosen up and have some fun."

"I'd all honestly rather not."

Shane turned to a beeping sound, checking his pager. "Well, now you don't have any choice. Parker has summoned us, and you cannot turn her down."