
The Infamous Nobody and the Girl Who lost Everything Part 2

The two children wandered aimlessly, tracking through the snow defeated. Only managing to escape from their village by the skin of their own teeth failed to do anything about it. With nowhere to run to, they were left to fend for themselves with little hope left. The little girl stopped shaking. "Brother… I'm cold."

"I know you are Sakura. Please just keep moving. You have to; the village depends on us."

Sakura gave a faint nod shivering. "I know, Sun, but… what can we do. That nice lady told us herself. No one will help us."

Sun gave it a thought shaking his head putting on his bravest smile. "Then we just find someone who will. There's got to be at least one person out there who will… A hero is someone who saves others in need. There's got to be one hero out there willing to help us."

A twig snapped as the boy turned, finding his sister gone. His eyes widened as he scouted the area like a wild dog. "Sakura?! Sakura!"