

The sunset on the village as Zinnia sat at the helm staring on at what was her home. She felt nothing for the setting with no memories of the such. She spent most of her life searching for the truth, but once it was laid down in front of her, she's unsure how to feel. The village elder walked over, trying her best to make Zinnia feel welcome. "Your mother would very much do the same. She would watch the village with a blind stare; she'd always dream of leaving and making a life for herself. It wasn't long until Hannah ran off out of the blue to a world beyond here. It was 400 years ago she came back to us with you in her arms."

"It's all just a little hard to believe." Zinnia whispered. "I mean 400 years, that all just sounds so ridiculous. So, you're saying I'm 400 years old?"